
This is hopeless.

We should return home.

Days of sun and sand... -and more ... -Sun?

At my own home I could at least rest in the shade. You!

You say the Lord desires this union of our families-- Yes. Yes, He does. For what purpose? Why have we forsaken so much for so little? We have done it because our parents are fools. Why should we not go back? Let Nephi and Sam wander the wilderness with mother and father. Lemuel, if you return to Jerusalem, you will perish with everyone there. Better to perish in Jerusalem than perishing here! Laman, Lemuel ... Father is not the only fool! We too are fools for following him! Please! Ye are mine elder brethren, and how is it that ye are so hard in your hearts, and so blind in your minds, that you have need that I, your younger brother, should speak unto you, yea, and set an example for you?

It will be wise to cease such talk, little brother.

How is it that ye have not hearkened unto the word of the Lord? How is it that ye have forgotten that ye have seen an angel of the Lord?

How is it that ye have forgotten that the Lord is able to do all things according to His will, for the children of men, if it so be that we excercise faith in Him? If we are faithful to Him, we shall obtain the land of promise, and ye shall know that the word of the Lord shall be fulfilled concerning the destruction of Jerusalem. The Spirit of the Lord ceaseth soon to strive with them. They have rejected the prophets and Jeremiah, they have cast into prison. And they have sought to take away the life of my father! Your father.

I will not be lectured by a boy!

If ye will return unto Jerusalem ye shall also perish with them. And now, if ye have choice, go up to the land, and remember the words which I speak unto you. If ye go ye shall also perish; for thus the Spirit of the Lord constraineth me that I should speak.

Hold him!


Hold him! Let him go!

Let us leave him in the wilderness to be devoured by wild beasts.

O Lord,

according to my faith which is in Thee,

wilt Thou deliver me from the hands of my brethren;

yea, even give me strength

that I may burst these bands with which I am bound.


Laman and Lemuel-- please, listen to me! Bind him again!

Do not do this ... Laman, stop! Please! I beg of you ... no more! He is your brother!


Nephi ...

I am ... sorry.

We have done you a great wrong. I am sorry as well. Please forgive me.

I forgive you.

But I exhort you to pray to the Lord your God for forgiveness.

We will.

We will.

The Lord Delivers Nephi from His Rebellious Brothers | 1 Nephi 7:6–22

1 Nephi 7:6–22 | Laman and Lemuel rebel against Nephi and bind him with cords. Nephi is miraculously saved and the brothers reunite.

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