
Stay on the path. The Lord will provide. Be prayerful. Be safe.

We had a successful hunt.

-Thank you. -Oh, beautiful!

We continue in a south south-easterly direction. Let us depart.

Do not worry, we will find food. How? Your bows having lost their springs... Laman!

I tell you again, we will find food.


You broke it! You fool! Why did you draw so hard? -What is the matter with you? -Now what will we do?


Because of our brother's strength and God's curse upon us we are without food.


Where shall we go for food now, great leader?

We have been prayerful, obedient. We have done all we have been commanded to do. What more could we have done? Why?

Why has the Lord chosen now to abandon us? The Lord will provide.

The Lord will provide?

The Lord has led us out here to perish. We don't need the Lord, we need food! Do not revile against the Lord! He has delivered us thus far; He will do so again.

You have hardened your hearts again,

even unto complaining against the Lord! The Lord will provide.


Father is correct.

The Lord has abandoned us.

Nephi Breaks His Bow | 1 Nephi 16:18–22

1 Nephi 16:18–22 | When the hunting bows lose their spring or break, even Lehi complains about the Lord's treatment of them all.

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