
This is going to sound cliche, but how could it not? [PIANO MUSIC PLAYING] I can divide my life by that day--the birth of our daughter--who I was and who I am. There is nothing so crystal in my mind's eye. My wife's face so vivid even now. I doubt anyone is ever quite ready. Every last one of us caught flat-footed, awestruck, overwhelmed. I asked my own father shortly before her birth, how is this little girl going to fit into my life? She won't, he said. You must let her change you. Let her change your life. And she did. Nothing can make you so exquisitely happy or so frightened as fatherhood. That's just the truth of it. A love so big, your heart must expand to contain it. And so, your selflessness expands, your patience, of course, your joy, your purpose. And with that, your relationships deepen--with your wife, with your own parents, with God. I thought I loved my wife on our wedding day, but not like now. It wasn't until we had our own child that we really felt the magnitude of God's love for us and the boundless hope that families can be together forever. I always go back to the day that ours began, the morning she was born. [PIANO MUSIC PLAYING]

Becoming a Father

In this inspirational ode to parenthood, a father reflects back on the moment that changed his life forever—the day his daughter was born.

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