
Well, first, Layla, Dustin, thanks for doing such a wonderful job hosting. Thank you. Dear young friends, welcome to this Churchwide Face to Face. The Lord loves you, and we love you. We begin with a message from President Russell M. Nelson, who's traveling and ministering today as prophet to the world.

My dear young friends, a few weeks ago I told you about an exciting new program designed especially for you, the youth and children of the Church. We have asked Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and some of our General Officers to tell you more about it, but first I would like to speak with you briefly. I hope you can tell how very important you are to our Heavenly Father. He has inspired several changes in the Church. Many of them have to do with you. We want you to draw even closer to your parents and family, your Church leaders, your friends, and, of course, to our Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Our Heavenly Father loves you. He knows what you can accomplish, and He wants you to find true joy in life. He also knows about the many challenges and difficulties you will face. So He has prepared a way to help you succeed. Life is an exciting journey. That journey began long ago, even before we were born, and it continues into eternity. During this journey, we discover who we really are and why we are here. Sometimes our journey is smooth and pleasant; then there are other times when we encounter detours and roadblocks. Even so, all of these diverse experiences can help us grow and progress if we keep our focus fixed on our destination. That great goal is to become more like our Savior, Jesus Christ, and ultimately to return home to our Heavenly Father.

Jesus Christ marked the path and led the way. He can help you overcome obstacles you will surely face. His example, His teachings, and His atoning sacrifice can lead you to eternal happiness with your Father in Heaven. You just need to choose to come unto your Savior and follow His teachings.

You are at such an important place in your journey, with great opportunities yet ahead for you. I urge you to stay on the Savior's covenant path with constant courage and perennial purpose.

Today you will learn how to make the most of every opportunity to foster your gospel learning, and you will grow a little more each day through meaningful service and activities. You will be amazed to see your own personal development. Progress on that covenant path does not just happen. It is achieved because of your definitive decision to follow Jesus Christ. You follow His example by ministering to others with the love of God. This higher and holier way is rarely the easy way, but it is the sure way. It leads to success and true joy both here on mortal life's journey and hereafter. So as you set your goals to increase "in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man," please keep the Savior at the center of your plans. Always ask yourself and prayerfully ask your Father in Heaven, "What can I do to become more like Jesus Christ?" As you do this each day, miracles will happen. My young friends, you are the hope of Israel. You have a divine destiny. Your future is bright and becoming brighter each day. I have complete confidence in you. I love you, and so does the Lord. We're His people, engaged together in His holy work. I so testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Amen.

Thank you, President Nelson. We do thank Thee, O God, for a prophet. Recently, our Church leaders invited us to begin setting personal goals--spiritual, social, physical, intellectual--to grow as our Savior Jesus Christ did. Today we introduce the whole Children and Youth program. The Children and Youth program of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is exciting and unique. It invites you to participate fully in the work of salvation and exaltation in the holy temple, as a missionary, and in ministering. Built around a gospel core, this is our single Church effort for all our youth and children everywhere, and it focuses on you discovering and becoming your best divine self through activities and service, learning and growth. Children and Youth comes to you with great love, inspiration, and preparation. Our great desire is for you to strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ and to help you and your family progress along the covenant path as you meet life's challenges. As President Nelson said, we hope each of you will draw closer to your parents and family, your Church leaders and friends, and especially to our Heavenly Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Today will be a little different from our other Face to Face events. We've been studying your excellent questions and preparing answers which explain the key elements of Children and Youth we will discuss today.

Faith, agency, revelation; service and activities at home and at church, including For the Strength of Youth conferences for all young men and all young women; personal development, including goals and recognition, with beautiful new emblems of belonging and achievement; gospel learning, where all comes together in Jesus Christ; and adaptability. This is going to work for you. You're going to love it, whatever your circumstances. Ready? Here we go.

Young friends, please be ready for some surprises, too. A special guest will share our theme song. We will recite together new Aaronic Priesthood quorum and Young Women's themes. We'll introduce a new Primary song, Gospel Living app, and Children and Youth website. The Lord's youth and children program will help you make your important growing years between the ages of 7 and 18 fun, happy, meaningful, and full of faith and conversion on the Lord's covenant path. Dustin, Layla, shall we start our first question?

Opening Remarks

Elder Gong gives opening remarks during the Children and Youth Face to Face event.

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