
We had a lot of questions come in about service and activities. One young woman from South America asks, "Will Aaronic Priesthood quorum and Young Women activities be the same with respect to the new program?" And Jason from Utah asks, "Will activities such as campouts and fun trips be allowed?" Well, we do learn by doing things, don't we? Real service and purposeful activities are at the heart of Children and Youth. Presidents, what would you like to share? You know, Sister Jones, Sister Cordon, why don't we walk over here and talk about service and activities? [LAUGHING] Can we do that? We love activities. OK, let's see what we can find. (LAUGHING) OK, you love to gather together. And you love to serve others in Christlike ways. And Children and Youth will give you many opportunities to do just that--to take advantage of the opportunities you have to gather as families, as Primary children, as young men and young women. The variety of service and activities you can plan is as endless as the variety of children and youth around the whole world. And one key part of the program is that quorum and class presidencies will have the responsibility for selecting and planning activities. And that's important. A purpose of activities is to help us grow more like Christ. Planning activities based on the four areas of growth mentioned in Luke 2:52 can help. Some wards may decide to work on one area--spiritual, physical, intellectual, or social--per activity, while others may have activities that cover multiple areas. And that's OK. How you organize your activities is completely up to you. Counsel together and do what works best. As you see these beautiful pictures, most activities start with a need. It may be a need in your community, your ward, or your branch. It may be a need in your class or your quorum, or even a need of an individual. For those of you who are in quorum or class presidencies, get to know and love the people you serve. As you learn more about them, the ideas for service and activities will come. Activities could be based also on a group goal or an individual goal if--and that's an important word--if a class or quorum member chooses to share. However, activities do not need to be based on goals. Now, children and youth, we love you. And we want you to be safe. Our handbooks include guidelines for what types of activities are approved and what types of things are not. Sister Jones, safety is a key for-- It is. --for children and for youth. But we also want you to have fun. A main purpose of activities is to enjoy our time together. This will help you build relationships that can last a lifetime. To learn more about activities, go to our overview and frequently asked questions page at ChildrenandYouth .ChurchofJesusChrist.org. Well, thank you. As you're coming back, we just would say that family activities are also important in our home-centered, Church-supported efforts. Whatever your family's situation, we hope you share and grow in faith and unity in your family as Danielle and her family do in this example.

[MUSIC PLAYING] [LAUGHING] My name is Danielle Patalinghug. I am eight years old, and I live in Cebu City. [MUSIC PLAYING] When I got my book, I wrote in the social I wanted to give food to the homeless people, and then I drew me and giving food to the homeless people. This is an answered prayer. We talk as parents, and we said, "We should be part of this program. We should work as a team, as a family." So we have this food business, catering business. So sometimes we have ... let's say an excess. And she's like, "OK, let's go tonight and share this food to the homeless." My dad drove around, and then when we saw some homeless people, we count how many. And for example, there were five, so we took five and gave it to them. And we did it until the food ran out. She is so happy and so excited to do it. So that's how eager she is in helping especially those who are homeless. I wanted to feed them so they could be happy and they could sleep with a full stomach. My intellectual goal is reading books to my little sisters. It helps them with their reading skills and helping them learn new words and good habits and safety tips for kids. She really likes it. It's like she got addicted to the book. Well, for us, as parents, we need to support them 100 percent. The foremost important role of the parents is to teach them here, at home, followed by what they learn in the Church. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are happy that I am reading to my little sisters and that I gave food to the homeless people, because it's a very good thing to do to the homeless people. [MUSIC PLAYING] Think about the impact Danielle will have on her family and her community as she continues to serve others. I especially enjoyed watching how she and her family came closer together as they served and spent time together. Remember, Children and Youth is home centered, Church supported. And family activities can help families become stronger and happier. Now, if I could take just a moment to talk with you children and Primary leaders. Service and activities for children will be a part of the new program. Activity days are now called Primary activities. And they are for girls, and they are for boys. We hope that you will hold these activities often. How often? That will depend on your circumstances. But we hope you hold Primary activities two to four times per month if that's possible and practical. At least two women, two men, or a married couple should lead Primary activities. Generally, boys and girls will meet separately. But they may combine occasionally for some activities or if there are only a few children in their group. Now let's watch some Primary activities happening all around the world. [MUSIC PLAYING] (SPEAKING SPANISH) Every month, we have activities for the new program. We are making bread for the sacrament. To me it is important because it represents the body of Jesus Christ. We are having a Primary activity. They are trying to exercise. We do social, intellectual, and physical. We also learn more about Jesus Christ. [MUSIC PLAYING] Sister Gutierrez is going to show you how to make a huge poster called a vision board. Physical--I want to eat healthier. I want to learn more about my family history. We popped balloons and memorized Articles of Faith. It makes me happy and makes me closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. We're playing charades for physical goals. You look at the word, then you act it out. And someone is trying to guess what it is. We're doing Articles of Faith Jeopardy. I like it because we get to get together and have fun. We love Primary. (LAUGHING) Yes, we do. Dear children, do you remember that President Nelson invited you to be part of the gathering of Israel? Service and activities can help you gather Israel and live your baptismal covenants. Invite your friends to activities with you. Be a missionary now. You probably noticed that some of the children in the video were making bread for the sacrament. You too can serve others. When you do these things, you are participating in the work of salvation. We hope that you are excited for Primary activities, because we are excited too.

We do love Primary. Thank you so much, Sister Jones. Now let's talk a little bit more about service and activities for young women and young men. This is a great opportunity to invite our friends. Invite them to come and see. Invite them to come and help and come and belong. As you know, President Nelson says, "Let the young people lead." If you're in a class or a quorum presidency, you lead and plan purposeful activities. Leaders, we hope that you will mentor, guide, and support the youth as they do this. We also hope you hold activities regularly, weekly where possible. The frequency will depend on the circumstances. Aaronic Priesthood quorums and Young Women classes generally hold separate activities. But we also encourage the opportunity for them to gather together in a combined activity. Quorum and class presidencies, counsel together and discuss how best to organize these combined activities. We also know that campouts and outdoor activities are very important. It's up to you to decide how to make them work. Where you live and where circumstances allow, young men may hold one multiday camp per year. In addition, three to six other overnight activities are encouraged if circumstances permit. We have a camp guide that is coming that will give more information specifically for young men. Well, we do love to camp. We do. Young Women camp is a glorious tradition. And our annual multiday camp will continue. The Young Women Camp Guide is a vital tool to help the adult leaders and the youth leaders as they plan camp. Now, I'm excited to show you an outdoor activity planned by some young women. As you watch this, notice what the class presidency did to make this successful. [MUSIC PLAYING] Our class presidency is a little different because our ward is a little bit smaller, and so we're together. And I like that because the girls were together all the time and a little more unified. Our presidency consists of a 17-year-old, a 16-year-old, and a 13-year-old. That way their ages are spread. And then we still get the diverse needs of all the different age groups. Putting us all together really makes it a fun time. I feel like as a class presidency, we're trying to look out for the girls and help bring the Spirit into their lives and help them with things that we've gone through. Every activity starts with a need. And a lot of the girls have anxiety, and we wanted to be able to do something hard and overcome some of our fears. That was the first thing they wanted to tackle--help them with their anxiety, help them to get out and be more active and just do something fun together. We needed to find someone that knew how to rappel. And our leaders helped us find him. To be able to rappel, we've got to have a sure foundation. You'll actually see where those anchors have been screwed into the rock. And they're fastened in there so that when we clip into them, we're safe. To me, it represents that foundation that I should be on. And that's the Savior. And I need to be anchored in to Him. We want you girls to have a lot of fun. I want you to think about trust--not only in the other girls, with the leaders, but also in the Savior. I'm feeling stressed out and nervous. My role is definitely, as a Young Women's president, to allow them the opportunity to lead out. We're basically there to support them on the back end and let them grow and flourish in the way that they need. It's time for the girls to have some fun, and not just the boys.

[MUSIC PLAYING] (CHANTING) Kimber! Kimber! We each have individual strengths and weaknesses. And Heavenly Father knows what's hard for us individually. And when we conquer those things, He's so proud of us. Walking off the edge is so scary. That's the scariest part. And then it's OK after. I'm proud of myself. Sometimes Heavenly Father wants us to take the first step. And then we have to trust ourselves and Heavenly Father that we're going to be able to be OK. With Christ, you have a feeling of comfort. It may be scary, but He has you. And He won't let you go no matter what. It was so good to see them, to just see them succeed and just feel so good about themselves and see that they could do hard things, and reach their goal at the same time, overcoming their fears, and getting out and being more active, and relating it to Christ, and growing in so many different areas all from this one activity. [MUSIC PLAYING] Off rappel. Off belay. [CHEERING] I am never doing that again. [LAUGHTER] And guess who we have with us here today? Will you please welcome the brave young women who did this activity? [APPLAUSE] This is Kimber. She's the class president. Will you introduce your friends? Yes, so this is my first counselor, Morgan; my second counselor, Grace; and our Young Women's president, Sister Chadwick. So, my very courageous friends, will you tell me, what did you learn as a class presidency as you led this activity? I think one of the things that I learned was how important it is to have the Savior in our lives at all times; to include Him in all decisions, big or small; to include Him in our fears and our anxieties; and to just have Him be there as comfort. Another thing that I learned that is so important is to be there for the other young women, to love them, and to always show to them that we are there for them and that we love them so very much. Good insights. Because we have such a small Young Women's group, I feel like that helps us to be able to have that individual connection with the girls. And as a presidency, we're able to understand the girls as well. And I think that through this activity, the rappelling activity, and activities we've made with our goals, we've been able to ask questions like "How are we going to bring these girls closer to Christ and help them grow closer to Him?" And I'm grateful for the opportunities that I've had to become like Him with these girls and as an individual. So what I learned is that God speaks to us with a calm and gentle voice. A lot of the girls were having a tough time taking that first step down the cliff. And it was really hard for them. And he pulled each of them back up and spoke to them in a calm and gentle voice. And they each tried again because they had a more open mind and a more open heart and were able to listen to what he said better. Great leadership. Thank you. Sister Chadwick, it is obvious that you love these girls. What did you do to build this relationship with this class presidency? Well, Sister Cordon, as you can see, they're amazing. So it's pretty easy to love them. [LAUGHING] I feel like something I did was showed up as my true and genuine self. And in doing that, they knew they could trust me. And they can also feel comfortable with being themselves. But most importantly, I prayed for them daily. Our Heavenly Father--nobody knows them better than He does, so who better to turn to to know what they need? Because leading them is a daily task, not just a Sunday thing. I reach out to them continually through the week and pray to Him always to know what they need, whether they need a text of encouragement, or a hug, or to stay after and talk a little longer after an activity. So it's all about time with them and service and love. Thank you. We learned so much. Let us give them a big hand. Thank you, girls. We love you. Thank you.

Thank you. [APPLAUSE] It was good. Sister Cordon, I think that was a great illustration of a central message that we have been sharing as a Young Men General Presidency. We want the youth to lead. We want you connected with heaven. And we want you to establish strong relationships with the adults who work with you. My dear young friends, there is strength in gathering. And when you gather, you can develop personally and have a good time. And you can also invite all to come and serve, as this video shows. [MUSIC PLAYING] Through helping other people, it helps yourself to feel empowered. I, for one, love serving because you can see the faces of the people you serve where they were really happy. It's helping someone out. And it's making someone's day better and bettering the world. I know personally, I've felt the Spirit a lot more knowing that I was helping other people. I think that if you're just helping your brothers and sisters, you're getting closer to Heavenly Father and the Savior. As we serve other people, we are also serving God. We're becoming more like Heavenly Father because we're being our own person. We're helping other people. We're doing community service. It is important because they help us come together as youth to love each other. This basically strengthens us all. (SPEAKING SPANISH) In addition to bringing us together, it helps us to understand one another. And it helps us to be more united. And it has helped us build closer friendships between us. Everyone is enjoying. Everyone is feeling happy doing the Lord's work. Making people happy is what I love to do. [MUSIC PLAYING] I love that video. Know that you can all go to JustServe.org or download the JustServe app for ideas to serve in your area. Now I want to introduce you to two quorum presidents, Juan and Hunter. As you watch their experiences, look for how they lead and see the results of their leadership. [MUSIC PLAYING] (SPEAKING SPANISH) My name is Juan. I'm the teachers quorum president. I think a quorum and a soccer team are similar because we always have to be united. As a team, when you think the same, the move will be better. I think the quorum is the same. Together we will make a better move that will reach the goal. I think the move for the quorum is to bring young men to the gospel, both less active and new.

My initial idea was to have a championship.

I had my friends who played on my team, so obviously I want them here with me.

I like soccer, but there are guys who may not, so we have to do different types of activities for all the boys to have fun and attend. I'm happy to see my friends here at church. To help our neighbor is to love them. Who loved their neighbor more than Jesus Christ? His love is incredible. We always have to try to get close to Him because His love is sensational.

My name is Hunter [INAUDIBLE]. And I'm the teachers quorum president. For our high-adventure activity, we decided that we wanted to go hiking. When we first introduced it to them, they all were super negative about it and said, "We can't do this. It's going to be too hard." But then through planning and stuff, they became more excited for it. This was the young men's idea. They did the preparation. They did the research. And it was something that they carried out. I think it's important for the adults to let the youth lead. So that way, the youth can grow and learn how to do things. I use revelation to know what the boys need, to know what I need to do to be an example to them. President [INAUDIBLE] decided that we should break the quorum up into committees. So our first one was logistics. The second was food. The third was safety. And the fourth one was gear. When they're bonding and they're coming together as a group, it really helps them see that together, they can do great things. [MUSIC PLAYING] This is how we remember our high-adventure activity. We did fishing. We swam, walked a lot, and just had fun together. And then on the back, we have what we learned and our testimony. One of the things that I learned is that it was way easier to do it with the group, because you have everybody else in your group just to help you mentally there. It's easier to let other people help you in your troubles and challenges than you just trying to get through it yourself. And it made me feel better as a person. At night we would have these scripture studies. Everything was so quiet, so you could just take value from the story. What I learned is that God knows us individually. He always gave us what we needed on that trip. It was a life-changing experience and made us grow closer.

[MUSIC PLAYING] Wow. Well, we actually have some of the young men from the video here with us tonight. Please give them a warm welcome. [APPLAUSE] Hunter, what have you and your presidency learned from using revelation to lead your quorum? So one of the things that I think we've learned is that through revelation, we know what we need as individuals and as a quorum. We've learned that praying individually and as a quorum makes a big difference. And praying for each quorum member individually also makes a huge difference. And so it's just important to be able to pray and listen to the Holy Ghost to get that revelation. Wonderful. Zane, what have you done to learn to serve? Our quorum tries to go to the temple as often as possible. And we did this one clothes drive for a needy ward who needed clothes for the winter. And we also did yard work for this brother in our ward who was diagnosed with cancer. So we went over to his house. We picked up his yard, mowed his lawn, picked weeds out of his garden. And then it turned out to be a really touching experience for him because he really loves gardening. That's what he enjoys the most. Oh, that's great. Brother Sutton, anything you'd like to share? President, it is a blessing to work with these youth. I've been impressed with the Lord's confidence in them. And I've found that as I step back into a role of support and love, they truly achieve their potential. It's amazing to watch. Well, it's wonderful. And we have these two. But we have their whole quorum here. Let's give them another round of applause for their service. [APPLAUSE] Thank you. Thank you very much. [APPLAUSE] Thank you. [APPLAUSE] Our Children and Youth website includes activities and service ideas for family, children, and youth. This website currently has 100 ideas on it, with more coming to get you thinking.

What will service and activities look like in the new program?

Elder Gong and General Officers talk about what service and activities will look like in the Children and Youth program.

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