
There is a lot of excitement about the new For the Strength of Youth conferences. Dustin and I are sad we will be too old to attend next year, but we can still go as counselors.

Youth are asking questions such as "What are the new FSY conferences? What do they include? And how can we, as youth, get the most out of it?" Well, we're glad you're going to be there as counselors. Counselors are really important. In addition to camps, treks, and youth conferences, all our young men and all our young women will now enjoy multiday For the Strength of Youth, also called FSY conferences. A five-day FSY conference brings you together in larger groups for classes, devotionals, and gospel study and for dances, variety shows, and many other fun activities. You'll love gathering, meeting other faithful youth and new friends, including from beyond your ward and stake. Beginning this May 2020, 300 stakes and 45,000 youth will begin attending FSY conferences in the United States and Canada. This is new and very exciting. And this is only the beginning. Many youth in Church areas outside the United States and Canada already love FSY. And you'll continue or begin to hold regular FSY conferences. Now, please remember, you may attend FSY conferences beginning the year you turned 14. So many of you will be able to attend two FSY conferences by the time you turn age 18. This video shows a little more about FSY. [MUSIC PLAYING] My favorite part about FSY is meeting all the new people. [MUSIC PLAYING] I think FSY really helps you slow down and think about what the Savior has in store for you.

[MUSIC PLAYING] Everything about FSY is wonderful--the games, the activities, the lessons, the dances. I love it all.

[MUSIC PLAYING] A couple more guidelines for leaders about FSY: In the year youth attend FSY, their stakes will not hold stake youth conferences or trek. We do encourage holding stake or ward camps every year where possible. OK, we do need counselors. So young single adults play an important role as FSY counselors. They will also have a very wonderful and great spiritual experience. Please invite the young single adults to help make FSY a big success for everyone. To see where your stake will be invited to an FSY conference or if you have other questions, please go to the FSY link on the Children and Youth website. Each year, our music album sets our scriptural theme to music we love. Our 2020 youth theme scripture comes from the Book of Mormon: 1 Nephi chapter 3, verse 7, Nephi's great testimony of going and doing all the Lord commands. Here tonight to introduce our 2020 youth theme song and video is Brother David Archuleta.

[APPLAUSE] Always great to have you here. Oh, thank you. Would you take just a moment and share what this song, this video, means to you? Sure. So I love this song and this theme because it's based in what Nephi said in the scripture. And he had just been asked with his brothers to do something that was hard: to get the brass plates from Laban. And his brothers even complain. They're like, "This is a hard thing you've asked of us." But Nephi's attitude shows in what he said when he said, "I will go and do." Even though he didn't know how he was going to yet, he trusted that the Lord would provide a way. And I think that's how we are in our journey. It's not always easy to do what God asks us to do or just to keep moving forward each day. But that's where we can take courage the way Nephi did and go and do and trust that the Lord will provide a way for us as well. [MUSIC - "I WILL GO AND DO"] (SINGING) No matter where I go, I know I'm not alone. I feel my Savior there beside me.

He leads me through the night. He's always been my guide. He promised He will never leave me. Though my burdens seem too much to bear, He'll bless me. So, whatever He commands, I will go and do. I will stand for truth. Though the world may back away, I will walk right through. I know if I follow Him, follow Him in faith, He will ease my burdens and He'll provide a way. He'll provide a way. [MUSIC - "I WILL GO AND DO"] (SINGING) When I feel overcome and all my strength is gone, I think of all the ways He's blessed me. My journey may seem long, but He'll lift me with His love, A perfect love that's never-ending. He will give me, give me all the strength I need. And so, whatever He commands, I will go and do. I will stand for truth. Though the world may back away, I will walk right through. I know if I follow Him, follow Him in faith, He will ease my burdens and He'll provide a way. He'll provide a way for me to cross the desert, To sail across the ocean. If that's where He sends me, I'll follow His plan. I'll do whatever He commands me, For I know that He will lead me to the promised land. I will go and do. I will stand for truth. Though the world may shut Him out, I will make Him room. I know if I follow Him, follow Him in faith, He will ease my burdens and He'll provide a way. He'll provide a way. Hey, He'll provide a way.

Hey, no matter where I go, I know I'm not alone. I feel my Savior there beside me.

[APPLAUSE] Beautiful.

[APPLAUSE] You were looking this way, and you didn't see the video. But it was shot in the beautiful country of New Zealand with our local youth. Right. When you think of those who are here tonight, when you were their age, did you ever have a goal that brought you closer to our Savior? You know, when I was younger, I was known for being socially awkward and not really having a lot of friends. I can't believe that. It's hard to believe. Well, you can ask the kids at elementary school that I went to. [LAUGHING] I would usually be alone, by myself, at the end of the field and stuff. I just didn't feel like I was really worth anything. I felt pretty worthless. And I wasn't good for anything. And I know that's pessimistic. But that's just how I was when I--but when I was 12 years old, my bishop invited us to a challenge to read the Book of Mormon. And I thought, "That's hard. I could barely get through 1 Nephi. I don't know how I'm going to get through the whole Book of Mormon." But I decided to take the challenge. And I didn't understand everything I read. But I felt, for just this experience, that I was coming close and getting to know Christ in a personal way and a way I hadn't ever experienced before. And I was able to get to the end of the Book of Mormon. And I decided to get on my knees and pray and ask if this was real, if it was true. And I was surprised because not only did I receive an answer that it was real and it was true, but I also received an answer where God said, "My son, I know you. I know who you are." And 12-year-old David, who didn't think he was worth anything and didn't think I was worth any of God's time--I realized He knew who I was and cared about me and that I did have a purpose. And so I Rollerbladed a lot around when I was 12. And so usually I would go by myself. But after that happened, I started looking for ways I could help other people, like rake their leaves or help them take their trash cans out, because I felt like, "You know what? If I have a purpose, then maybe I should start helping other people out." Well, that beautiful testimony and that beautiful video will help us to remember to go and do. Thanks so much. Thank you. Great to be with you. [APPLAUSE] Please find this video, our 2020 album, and other theme and youth resources at our Children and Youth website

What are For the Strength of Youth Conferences?

Elder Gong and General Officers talk about For the Strength of Youth conferences in the Children and Youth program.

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