undefined undefined How will children and youth track their goals?

Our next question is about personal development. We've had questions from all over the world from youth and adults asking things like "Are there a required number of goals to do in a year? How can I track them? And are there any booklets to help?" Well, these are good questions too. Your personal development, with goals you set for yourself, is at the heart of Children and Youth. You can prayerfully decide how many goals you set and when you want to accomplish them. You're familiar with the guidebook. It will help you choose and grow spiritually, socially, physically, intellectually, as our Savior grew. Set personal goals that stretch you and challenge you. Discover new talents, interests, and skills. Prepare to show personal achievement and receive meaningful recognition. When appropriate, please share your plans and goals with your family and Church leaders so they can encourage you and celebrate your accomplishments. Sister Jones, how will this work for children? Well, we encourage each Primary child, beginning the year they turn eight, to start setting one goal per year in each area of growth. The number of goals you work on at a time will be up to you, children. You will receive a personal development guidebook by January. And if you would like to use it, the guidebook gives a simple process in which you discover, plan, act, and reflect. You discover what you need to work on first. Then you plan how you will do it. You act on your plan in faith. And you reflect on what you have learned. Your parents and leaders can help you. Let's watch one family's experience. And as we do, look for how these children and youth discover, plan, act, and reflect to achieve their goals. [MUSIC PLAYING] This is the first thing that I wrote in my journal: "Life is like riding a bicycle. Both need balance." One of my goals is to read the Book of Mormon every day. I want to learn the piano so that I can play at the sacrament meeting. The program is more of an extension of a family-centered and Church-supported initiative. And we will be able to help out as a family, improve the lives of our kids. First, I tried to discover myself, who really I am, by writing down those things which I am good at and I want to learn or try. This is my reading chart. If I'm done reading the Book of Mormon, I color the chapter that I read. I practice with Sister Shelly once or twice a week. But without her, I practice every day. We've seen them change and how their testimonies grow. We saw them reading their own scriptures by themselves and even participating in the Primary class with confidence. I'm in 1 Nephi chapter 16. Before playing the piano, I prayed so that the Holy Ghost will guide me. First I got a little bit nervous. Then when I started playing, that feeling left me. And I just imagine that I'm only doing this for Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.

That's the whole reason for this program, is for us to be like our Savior, Jesus Christ, and have that eternal perspective. We know that we are improving, grace by grace, just like Jesus Christ. Heavenly Father sent us here on earth to learn. And Jesus Christ is our perfect example. In order to be like Him, we should also grow balance in every aspect of our life. [MUSIC PLAYING] That was very inspiring. Thank you so much, Dinah and [INAUDIBLE].. Young men and young women, you are encouraged to set at least two goals per year in each area of growth. But we are not going to prescribe what goals they should be. So there's no checklist. How many you work on at once will be up to you. You may be inspired to do one goal, a major goal, that will last you months to complete. And you also might have short-term goals that you complete in a week. You will also receive this guidebook to help you with the simple process to discover, plan, act, and reflect. Heavenly Father has given you gifts and talents, some of which you're already developing and you're very good at. You can continue there. But don't stop there. Sometimes we need to challenge ourselves. You can do hard things. And there is nothing wrong with setting a goal to help others. That is what the Savior did. Now, goals take a lot of work. And at times it will be difficult, but it will always be worth it. When I was your age, I worked very hard in wrestling. And I'll never forget my junior year in high school, when I was defeated three times by the same guy. But I was determined that I'd never let that happen again. And I spent the next year training as hard as I could. Eventually, I reached my goal. But I had to put in a lot of effort to improve. OK, that is a wonderful story, President Owen. Well, we are all different. And our talents and goals really are as unique as we are. I, for one, was never a wrestler. But I did-- [LAUGHTER] --never. But I did love competing in gymnastics. And then I grew too tall. So I thought, "I'll do hurdles." But I found that generally I hit the hurdles more than going over the hurdles. And so, eventually, I turned to running. Now, it was OK that gymnastics and hurdling did not work out for me. In reality, those struggles and the disappointment--they really helped me. You know, I still run today. And it is interesting that at times, I am able to quiet my mind as I'm running. And at that time, I seek and I actually receive inspiration from the Lord as I run. That's great. Thank you. One of you might set a goal to run a marathon. And another might set a goal to walk around the track. Maybe you set a goal to make a new friend, to get better grades. Or maybe you want to say more meaningful prayers. Experiences, disabilities, and differences in interests will influence these plans. The point is that you are striving individually to grow more like our Savior. Remember to involve Heavenly Father. He will help you, often through simple thoughts, feelings, or impressions. Now, Sister Cordon and I both talked about physical growth, didn't we? But we've also worked to improve in the other areas of our lives. It's important to try to keep balanced. The "discover, plan, act, reflect" process in the booklets can help you set, work on, and evaluate your goals in each of the areas. Youth and children, it's up to you to set and track your personal goals. No one will tell you what they should be. As Elder Gong mentioned, you can choose to share these goals and request help from parents, leaders, and your friends if you want to. Leaders and parents, keep in mind that you help children and youth best when you support their efforts instead of tracking them. Some goals, after all, are private.

Properly used, technology can help you live in a noisy, distracting, and consuming world. Designed especially for you, the Gospel Living app can give you a safe place to focus on what really matters. Here are some Gospel Living app features. "Discover" brings uplifting music, videos, memes, inspirational messages.

"Today" helps remind you of things you want to accomplish. You can see upcoming activities and progress towards your goals.

"My Life": a journal where you can capture thoughts, impressions, photos, and goals.

"Circles" is a safe group messaging feature. Circles connects you with family, class or quorum members, and leaders so you can share thoughts, photos, activities, and inspiring content with those you designate. Let's see how the Gospel Living app can bless you and help you serve those around you.

[FOOTSTEPS] [MUSIC PLAYING] [PHONE BUZZING] [MUSIC PLAYING] (SINGING) We could keep living in the shadows Because someone might not understand.

We could turn around and just stay quiet. But if we're quiet, they won't know what they could have. Because some people are searching for something that they missed, And we could bring them back to life. We don't need to hide The things that we believe in. We want the world to see it, So we can share the light. We don't need to be Ashamed of how we're living Because the things that we've been given Keep our hope alive. We don't need to hide. We don't need to hide. Oh no, we don't need to hide.

Let's try this on my phone. So let me open the app.

Here in Discover is the new theme song that David Archuleta just sang, "I Will Go and Do." Here, using Circles, I can share with my quorum. [LAUGHTER] I have a pretty cool quorum. [LAUGHTER] And I bet you have a pretty cool quorum or class too. OK, here we go. Do you remember, last week, one of the goals I shared on Instagram? I wanted to learn to speak some Spanish. This Gospel Living notification reminds me to practice speaking Spanish. This technology can bless your life and help you stay close to your parents, leaders, and the Lord. Look for the first version of Gospel Living app to begin rolling out in January 2020. Now, of course, if you don't use a phone, no worries. You can use the guidebooks, your journals, online Gospel Living feed to do many of the same things. And of course, an app can help. But you don't need an app to serve others, to help a family member or a neighbor, to go visit someone who needs help, or simply to be kind

How will children and youth track their goals?

Elder Gong and General Officers talk about tracking goals in the Children and Youth program.

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