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Many people are wondering if we will be recognized for our progress or receive rewards for our achievements. For example, Maria from Brazil asks, "Will there be recognition such as badges, certificates, or medallions?" Sister Cordon, will we still have a medallion? Yes, Elder Gong, we will have a medallion. Well, good. And some other exciting things as well. Wonderful. There are two types of emblems now in Children and Youth: emblems of belonging, which each of you will receive the year you turn 8, 12, and 18 years of age; and emblems of achievement, which you earn as you strive to achieve your personal goals and certain foundational gospel expectations. Remember, President Nelson teaches all we do in the Church leads us to the holy temple.
And because of that, our new Children and Youth logos include a temple symbol and the words "strive to be." These logos invite us to become more like our Savior by following His covenant temple path.
Elder Gong, I love "strive to be" as an invitation to become more like Christ. When sharing your experiences through social media, use #strivetobe so that others can be inspired by what you are doing and accomplishing. The Church youth Instagram account will now be called @strivetobe. Go there to be uplifted and to uplift others. That will be exciting to see what-- Yeah. --gets posted on that. These emblems of Children and Youth unite us as one in Christ. When you see the hashtag or you see someone wearing a ring or a medallion, you know that they too are striving to become like our Savior, Jesus Christ. These emblems remind us that we are part of a great cause to follow our Savior and our Church leaders.
Let's invite some of our youth and children to show our new emblems of belonging and achievement.
Sister Jones, shall we start with the children? Great, I would love that. First, the green CTR rings will still be given in our CTR classes. But Charlotte is now going to tell us what is new for children the year they turn eight. When we begin Children and Youth, we each receive a picture of the temple and a beautiful ring. This ring has our CTR shield surrounding a temple symbol to remind us to choose the right as we prepare to enter the Lord's house. The year we turn 12, we can be worthy to serve in the temple. Each of us will receive this beautiful temple recommend holder. When young men turn 12, we'll each also receive a special ring, which points us towards the temple and reminds us to strive to grow like Christ. And the young women will receive a beautiful medallion and gemstone the year they turn 12. The gem reflects light. And it reminds us to seek and share the light of Christ with others. These emblems can remind us to do what President Nelson has asked us to do: to help gather Israel on both sides of the veil. The year young women turn 18, we'll each receive a pendant to add to our necklace. It reminds us to make and keep temple covenants, which will bless us with added power in all aspects of our life. The year young men turn 18, we'll each receive a vial for consecrated oil. We can use this after we receive the Melchizedek Priesthood to perform priesthood blessings. It reminds us of our priesthood duty to serve others and invite all to come unto Christ. Finally, as we strive to fulfill our personal goals and foundational gospel requirements, we can earn two emblems of achievement: a special certificate signed by the First Presidency, and a Christus in a crystal arch, which we can have as prized keepsakes. Yeah, shortly before we complete our time in Aaronic Priesthood quorums or Young Women's, we'll discuss our progress and efforts with our bishop. We won't be perfect. But we can be recognized with these emblems of achievement when we are doing our very best to grow and become like the Savior through righteous goals and habits, service to others, and living gospel standards. Thank you. These will be a treasure. Thank you so much for sharing them with all of us. Now, you'll receive these emblems mid-2020. But even more important than the emblems you will receive is the commitment to growth and progress that they will represent. Your most satisfying personal development and your most important achievements will come as your goals open new horizons, as you explore new interests and skills beyond your comfort zone. When you may feel uncertain, those who love you can help you know you're doing well. You'll regularly meet to share your progress with your bishop. The year you turn 18, you'll review your goals and efforts to fulfill foundational gospel expectations, to pray and study scriptures daily, worthily hold a limited-use temple recommend, participate in church and seminary, serve God and others with your heart and your hands. You and your bishop will feel confirming joy when you have earned these very special emblems of achievement. Please remember, personal gospel growth is not a set of requirements that you check off. The right goals, including righteous goals, will bring gospel experience and change your heart. Setting righteous personal goals and establishing discipline and inspired patterns will bless your whole life.