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People have been asking about how the new program is tied with Come, Follow Me, seminary, and what happens at Sunday. Israel from Mexico asks, "Will we continue using the Come, Follow Me program?" And Natalie from Arizona asks, "The young women have a beautiful new theme. Do the young men get one too?"
Sister Jones, would you like to begin our discussion on gospel learning as it connects with service and activities and personal development? I would love to, Elder Gong. Thank you. The tie between Come, Follow Me and Children and Youth is really simple. In gospel learning settings--such as your home, seminary, Church classes--you will receive spiritual impressions about how you need to grow. Our hope is that you will write down your impressions in your guidebook, your journal, or the app and make plans to act. We do need to write those down. We need to write them down. And you may be inspired to serve someone or plan a fun activity or work on a personal goal. But your service and your activities and your goals will be most meaningful when they're connected with a gospel truth, including the connections that happen as you're learning in seminary. Well, I'd like to also point out one great adjustment that has happened. We can now study the same book of scripture at home, in Primary, in Sunday School, and in seminary. And this alignment brings unity around gospel learning not seen before. Most important, we hope that all of your studies will help you receive inspiration and come closer to your Savior. As you learn of Him, you will be more successful in striving to become like Him. Each Sunday that we are together as young women, we recite our new Young Women theme, which was introduced during general conference. Our theme is a personal reminder of our identity, purpose, and our infinite worth as beloved daughters of Heavenly Parents and disciples of Jesus Christ. It also unifies us as young women around the world. I invite you all to study and ponder what the theme means and how the truths taught in the theme affect the choices that you make. Layla, will you come join me? Of course. Now, I would love if all of the Young Women around the world would please stand, and let's recite the theme together.
OK, slow. "I am a beloved daughter of heavenly parents, with a divine nature and eternal destiny. As a disciple of Jesus Christ, I strive to become like Him. I seek and act upon personal revelation and minister to others in His holy name. I will stand as a witness of God at all times and in all things and in all places. As I strive to qualify for exaltation, I cherish the gift of repentance and seek to improve each day. With faith, I will strengthen my home and family, make and keep sacred covenants, and receive the ordinances and blessings of the holy temple." I want you to know that each word was inspired from heaven. Our Heavenly Father knows you and invites you to be part of this great work on earth. Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. I promise He will strengthen you as you strive to follow Him.
Sister Cordon, that was so inspiring to see all of these faithful young women sharing their commitment through those words. Yeah. We're not leaving out the young men. Recently, the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles approved an Aaronic Priesthood quorum theme for young men, which I am excited to introduce today. Will the young men around the world please stand and recite the priesthood quorum theme with me? Dustin, will you come and join me?
"I am a beloved son of God, and He has a work for me to do. With all my heart, might, mind, and strength, I will love God, keep my covenants, and use His priesthood to serve others, beginning in my own home. As I strive to serve, exercise faith, repent, and improve each day, I will qualify to receive temple blessings and the enduring joy of the gospel. I will prepare to become a diligent missionary, loyal husband, and loving father by being a true disciple of Jesus Christ. I will help prepare the world for the Savior's return by inviting all to come unto Christ and receive the blessings of His Atonement." My young brothers, that felt so good to stand with you and recite these powerful, inspired words, which speak to your purpose and identity. I know this will bring unity to your quorum. We hope that you will begin reciting this theme when you gather in Sunday quorum meetings. And we also hope you will carefully study its meaning and commit to live by its teachings and principles.
That was wonderful. Both our Aaronic Priesthood quorum and Young Women's themes focus on acting and becoming, ministering, serving, bearing witness of Jesus Christ, and doing our best each day