
[MUSIC PLAYING] So I come from a family, from a mom that really loved me. She raised me to be a God-loving, good person, big heart, just like she was. By the time I was 13, I didn't really care about any of those values. Didn't really mean anything to me. I didn't really see what it can actually do. I decided to leave church. I put God to the side and decided to go do the things that I thought were going to get me prosperity now and get me protection and status. I was taught standards, raised with them, but I didn't really care. So I just kind of did whatever I felt was OK, which was anything, I guess. Every time I hit rock bottom as a teenager, I'd go back to church. And I tried to get things right, but no, it never lasted. I was never the one to be really oblivious to things. I knew--but I always had a choice I could make to go down a good way or to go down this way that's going to get me what I want now. But eventually, I know something's going to happen. So I was going to need to stop eventually. I remember I was just driving. I just started bawling in the middle of the freeway. I just yelled out, "Please," to God. It wasn't even a prayer. It was just a cry for help. And then the next day, missionaries came to my door. And then I blew them off. And then they caught me walking to the store. And then they set up an appointment with me. And then they came by, started visiting me and stuff. And one of the things they asked was "Have you ever thought of serving a mission?" It slapped me in the face. I was like, "Wait, I can do that, huh? I can serve a mission." They're like, "Yeah." And then I'm like, "OK, I'll serve a mission then." It was just a solid answer to my prayer. I knew automatically that was the answer I was looking for. And once you just have proof of something, you know it. Like, "OK, that's what I'm doing." And then I didn't think about all the stuff I was doing to prevent me from going. I just knew in my mind that that was going to end. All of it. "I'm stopping all of that because I can't do it." That's when the process started. I had to go talk to my bishop and get on that path to start preparing to go on a mission. It didn't just happen. It took a while. But that's where repentance is. It does take a while. As soon as I started changing my life, things that were toxic left--left, left and right. They just went away. With me sincerely acting on that seed of faith that I had, I got answers from that. It changed my life. And it led me to going on a mission, becoming a different person. Everything from that little seed grew into a big tree. And the tree's still not grown yet. It's probably still a small tree, but like a little baby sequoia that's probably two feet high. But hey, it used to be a nonexistent, small seed you couldn't even see before. There's still a lot of growing to do, but you've still always got to keep nourishing it. One of the best things of the change is just knowing where to go to turn for peace. Through God and acting on a small piece or particle of faith, change is possible. I've seen it. I'm living that right now. [MUSIC PLAYING]

His Grace: Change Is Possible Through Christ

Have you ever felt like you’re too far off the path to change? Kenny shares his story of how change is possible through God’s grace

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