
We welcome you to the temple and family history leadership instruction meeting. We are broadcasting tonight from the Conference Center Theater in Salt Lake City. Our prayer is that you will leave here tonight with one or two ideas that make you say, "I can do that." The ward temple and family history leader is ultimately a servant of all. Is this going to hurt? [LAUGHTER] It's not going to hurt me at all. [LAUGHTER] How can I help? Both reflexes. This is excellent. When was she born? She was born in 1915. Whoa. You don't know anything about 1915, do you? [LAUGHTER] No. Neither do I. Oh, there we go. Awesome. Nice! So it looks like you are one in a million Jacksons. Awesome. I love it. I joined the Church when I was 19. And I had great friends who helped me get baptized on Saturday, confirmed on Sunday, and then I was in the temple by Tuesday. I think what we've just learned about tonight are things that can inoculate us spiritually. This is really simple. The advancement of this work in the earth will be astronomical. Do not underestimate the capacity of these young men and these young women. On behalf of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve, to you young people, we have confidence in you. You are the Lord's battalion. They know you by name. We know, we witness, we testify that you will contribute to helping great things happen in this work all over the earth. Brothers and sisters, I am delighted to invite you to watch the entire temple and family leadership instruction presentation. Now, you may ask yourself, "Brother Bednar, why do I need to watch the entire presentation?" Because this is one work, all things gathered together in one. This isn't just about temple work. It's not just about family history work. It's about the work of salvation. All the elements of learning and living the gospel, sharing the gospel, uniting families, and assisting the poor and the needy. And you can't get that alone from a small, little segment. Now, the segments will be available, but they'll only make sense in the context of this entire presentation. So please take a little extra time, and you will see how all things are gathered together in one in Christ in the work of salvation and exaltation. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Temple and Family History Leadership Instruction – Watch Now Promo

Learn how you can help others through temple and family history work with insights from the 2020 Temple and Family History Leadership Instruction.

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