
Well, we spoke a couple of times about what we wanted to have happen and how we could create an opportunity for that to happen. Let me just add one thing. Of course. When I got the assignment--I got the assignment for the evening with a General Authority. And I went to Elder Johnson and Brother Webb, and I said, "What would you think about--let's just have Chad and me talk and have some folks there, and we'll have the cameras going, instead of me giving a talk?" I'm not suggesting giving a talk is not appropriate. But I think what we tried to do today, the pattern that we used, is more important than anything that got said. So if we want that to have an impact, maybe we ought to try to model it and not just talk about it. So that was a part of the preparation. So I think the question for a teacher would be, like Elder Bednar asking--this experience--"What experience do we want the students, the group, to have today, and how can we help to create that experience?" and not just "What are we going to say?" I think was part of those conversations. Yeah. So in terms of any personal preparation?

Well, I don't want to sound silly. I find these kinds of experiences so invigorating because you have absolutely no idea where they're going. This is going to Jerusalem every time you walk in. So I struggle to answer your question because I didn't do anything specific just for this day. And it's kind of treasured up, and I hope I've been doing that for a long time. I did have a little bit of time this afternoon to just kind of think through some stuff about, if I were to try to give voice to something, how would I do it in the clearest way that would make sense to people in different cultures around the world? But that's just kind of normal thinking, given that this was coming at 4:30. That's not a very good answer, but that was it. Mine was a little simpler. I prayed I wouldn't do anything silly to distract from--and I prayed for Elder Bednar and for you, right? Just like you do as a teacher. Yes, ma'am? I was going to say, thank you for your response just now, because this whole process today, through my mind has been three words, and that is: simplify, slow down, and prepare. And with our children, with the youth that we're with, with our ministering, whatever comes our way, as long as we are prepared in every aspect that we can possibly be, and we simplify it and slow down and look for those moments, that personal revelation will hit us.

An Evening with a General Authority—How Did You Prepare For This Discussion?

Additional content from the February 2020 Evening with a General Authority event. Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shares how he prepared for this discussion-based experience.

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