
I would never take credit for His sweet, perfect love. But, oh, how grateful I am that He allows me to just be a piece of the puzzle.

I've always known that I hear through thoughts in my mind. I hear through feelings in my heart--impressions, emotions--but I've noticed that I hear names. I just had an experience yesterday hearing a name. This dear sister had written a letter telling me about her favorite primary teacher from her childhood, and why she was her favorite, and why she loved her so much, and what an influence she had had on her life. And she said, "Sister Jones, I don't know why I'm writing this to you, but I feel that someone needs to know besides me how wonderful this woman is, and she is now experiencing stage four cancer." I thought, "Well, I want to call her. I want to see if I can talk to her." So I thought, "OK." Well, I was getting ready to go into a meeting, and I thought, "After my meetings, I'll call." Well, I didn't make it through very many meetings, and I heard her name, and it was, "Call now." So I picked up my phone, I went in the office, and I called. And her husband answered the phone, and he's on round-the-clock care. He's helping her. He said, "Let me check and see if my wife is awake." And he went in, and she was, and so I was able to read the letter to her. And it was a very emotional, sweet, tender experience that we shared together. And as I pondered that, it began because this dear sister in another state heard Him. And then she gave me an opportunity to hear Him, and then this family and I talking on the phone together had the opportunity to hear Him together. I would never take credit for His sweet, perfect love. But, oh, how grateful I am that He allows me to just be a piece of the puzzle. It's all Him, and yet He lets us be a part of it. And in the process, we are uplifted, we are taught, we are inspired, we are loved, and it makes you just want to go do it more and more and more.

How I #HearHim: Sister Joy D. Jones

How do you #HearHim? Sister Joy D. Jones says that we can receive guidance from the Lord to help others if we #HearHim.