
I am Robin Qalibaf. I am a major in the United States Army.

Being away from my family, it's very hard as a woman.

It's taken some getting used to.

My eldest son was only 15 months old when I left for that first deployment, and I came back, and he was three years old.

My name is Matt Checketts. I'm a dentist in the Air Force.

One of our biggest concerns was

the fact that we're gonna have to move a lot.

That was also one of my concerns as well, is the constant moving around, leaving my safe, secure family bubble.

Hi, I’m Seth. I’m a rifleman with United States Marine Corps, and I recently returned home from my mission. In life, sometimes you have moments where you feel the Spirit

prompting you toward a specific path.

And I felt very prompted one day to join the United States Marine Corps; that’s what I needed to do.

I’ve been in the military for six years.

I am a combat medic, and currently I am studying to be a physician assistant for the army.

The challenges that I face feeling the Spirit is when I’m far away from home.

Being told where to go and where to live,

sometimes not with very much notice,

it gets pretty lonely.

I feel like I hear the voice of my Savior through the needs of my children. Life gets hectic. You know, my husband has crazy hours, and a lot of the times I am on my own. And when my kids come to me and ask me for a kiss or a hug and not fighting,

it reminds me of who they are and who I am.

I'm Jim Tripp. I'm a soldier and served for 22 years in the army as a lawyer and then retired.

The military can be challenging. Probably the biggest challenge is you are,

whether you like it or not, removed from your support network.

A real stabilizing force for our family the whole time was the Church. I really want to underscore that. Literally every place we move to, we immediately were with our ward family.

When I hear Him, it usually comes in sort of a spark of an idea.

And then as I act on that idea,

little by little, He shows me exactly what I need to be doing. And I usually don't know, you know, beforehand if it's from the Lord or if it's from me.

Frankly, that doesn't really matter, because if it's good,

you know, the Lord will approve if I’m trying to the Lord’s will.

And as I go forward trying to, you know, do what the Lord wants me to do, I will see,

and I always see after the fact later that it was the Lord who got who guided me through all of that.

I was personally away eating dinner at the time when

the incoming round came in.

And so coming back from that and seeing my workplace destroyed and, like, the brand-new computer that we had just gotten to stay in touch was broken. It was just like,

very shocking and so overwhelmed, got a little emotional. And then kind of once we got things settled enough

for contact and went and kind of just hit my knees in prayer.

That peace comes from beyond my own circumstances. When I’m in my bunk, and I can hear mortars exploding in the distance, that was time to get down on my knees

and say to Heavenly Father, “Please help me.” And He would.

I was able to sleep. I'm able to continue on with my duty.

And I attribute that to the Lord.

I think there definitely have been times that I've felt the Spirit to impress upon me

certain courses of action to take during flying and actually during our crew rest portion as well. I felt not necessarily always a specific direction of what to do

but just kind of a sense of calm that comes over and essentially calms my troubled heart in the moment

and just lets me know that everything’s going to be OK,

everything will work out.

One of the best ways I feel like that I’ve been able to hear Him

is actually through the service of others.

As I’ve been trying to immerse myself in the scriptures and study and follow God’s words,

I feel His assurance, and I feel His love.

I hear hHm speaking to me,

His love, through the service of others. We had a family tragedy.

Our sweet baby girl passed away two days after she was born.

Our family members were

in agony because they were so far away from us and ready to fly out.

But when they realized how well our Church family was taking care of us and how well our military family was taking care of us,

they realized they didn't need to be right out here with us at that time. And and I really attribute that to to our Savior and our knowledge of of Him and His gospel

and His ability to help us hear Him and feel His love through the actions of others.

Through people,

God has blessed me, and I feel like that’s Him showing me even more that He loves me.

If I was able to just offer some advice to another military wife, mother, just to help them know where the source of my peace comes from, would just be to bear

pure testimony that it's real.

Jesus Christ is real,

and the peace that He can offer is real and it’s tangible.

How Military Members and Families Hear the Lord

Military service members face difficult challenges that require strength beyond their own. This video shows service men and women and their spouses sharing personal experiences in hearing the Lord.

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