
[MUSIC PLAYING] How to value our heritage--I think heritage is a very important thing. There are so many great things we can learn from people that have come before us. There are so many great things we can learn from the people around us. And growing up, I didn't know a ton about my heritage. I knew a bit, but it never really resonated with me too much until I got older. And I really felt this desire to really want to know more about my heritage. And so I started reading a few books and being around a lot more different people that could teach me, or I could at least learn what their experiences was with their heritage. And I saw different things and traditions and in stories that were really amazing to me to help strengthen the faith I already had and the principles I already had. So I think one of the greatest things of valuing your heritage is really just dive into it and learn about it. As I start to do that--and I've wanted to do more of it--I've really seen and been impressed with what I've learned and been really excited to grow and learn about the people that have come before me and what their lives were like and what they thought about and believed. And as I've seen that and taken from it so many great things and their strength and their principles and the strength of community that's there, it has been a great example to me and been something that I've wanted to continue to build on as I try to just be the best person I can be. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Find Value in Your Heritage

Matthew shares how learning the stories, traditions, and principles from his Native heritage has strengthened his beliefs and faith. Building on our heritage helps us become our best selves.

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