
So what advice do I have for Native youth? Man, that's a tough one, but I've found that our Native youth are struggling. And not just Native youth, but youth in general are struggling with their identity. We struggle with where we need to be, where we're going. How are we going to build the next generation, right? We have that prophecy, the seven generations, right? So everything we do here affects the next seven generations, or everything we do should affect the next seven generations. And that scared me, and it scared a lot of my friends because we are the next generation. We're the next people are coming up, and it's scary. Our world is getting worse, and we're the ones that are going to have to build that. So my advice for Native youth is, don't be scared.

Don't be scared to love. Don't be scared to look to other people. Don't be scared to rely on yourself.

I know it gets tough. We've had lots of Native youth who have gone through a really hard life.

But you have that resilience, that natural-born strength to lead, to be a pioneer in your family, to be the first in your generation to go to school or the first in your family to go to school, the first to do a lot of things. You have that power and that strength in you that you kind of have to find. And it's not going to be easy. I know it's not easy.

But my advice to Native youth would be, don't be scared, and to reach inside and to look to your elders for advice and to just rely on yourself and believe in yourself. And remember that you have heaven's help. You have your ancestors' help, and you're not alone in this.

Find Your Identity as a Native American Youth

Many Native American youth struggle with their identity and what they are to do. By finding their natural-born strength, resilience, and love, they can be a pioneer in their family to break through barriers and contribute to the world.

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