

How to stay optimistic when there's so much turmoil and trouble in the world? I think one of the biggest things is to really fill my life with things that aren't tumultuous, that aren't troubling. It's a thing that I know there's a lot of around the world. And it's very important to know about the issues that are going on in the world. But for me, I'd look at the things that are most important to me, the things I enjoy doing, and just try and get more and more of those into my life. I can get sucked up reading articles about this thing that's bad or that thing that's going on and these terrible things that happen in the world. But as I remember how much good I see every day in my life, how much good there is out there, how much good is also happening that maybe you don't hear about as much, it really gives me hope. And it really helps me remember that there is a lot of love in the world as well. And there's a lot of love from our Heavenly Father, and there's a lot of love to be found in our friends and our family. And really, as we focus on those things, we can continue to find peace even though it's a very troubled world we live in. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Focus on the Positive in a Negative World

Matthew shares how focusing on positive things in life helps him remember that “there’s a lot of love in the world, … there’s a lot of love from our Heavenly Father, and there’s a lot of love … in our friends and our family.”

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