
How to get my parents to come back to the Church? For me, love. That's like, my only answer has been love, because my parents, they were strong members when we were younger, when we were growing up. And then they kind of tapered off, right? You know, just ways of the world and offensive words from members or stuff like that has kind of pushed them over the ledge and kind of let them feel hurt and not feel as loved. So when they feel offended from somebody, it's tough to get them to not see that person, right? Because it's that one person at church, that one person somewhere who's offended them. And they can't go back. So for me, it's always been to serve them. So, loving and serving them, continuing to have my individual relationship with my Savior, and realizing that He knows their hearts. You know, I don't have to be the one to force them or to make them feel bad. For me, it's been loving and respecting them enough to let them go on their own path. And I know that they'll find their way back.

Encourage Your Parents to Come Back to Church

When it comes to helping your parents find their way back to church, love is really the only answer. If offensive words get in their way and activity tapers off, you can still love your parents, serve them, and respect them.

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