

How I feel about my Native heritage--I absolutely love it. I feel proud to be Navajo. I love where I come from. I love that there's so much richness within my culture. I love how there's so many different stories. There's always a meaning behind everything. And not only that, me in particular, I love to dance. And there is this huge connection with dancing and being Native American, and all in all, just being able to share a story with people. It's all about sharing a good feeling. And that's probably my favorite part. We all belong to the same world. We're all together. And so we all should treat each other that way and just continue to share that good feeling. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Love Your Heritage and Share It

A young Navajo man shares his love for his culture through stories and dancing. Sharing his heritage with others produces good feelings, he said. “We all belong to the same world. We’re all together, and so we all should treat each other that way.”

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