
How to retain the traditions of my people and still be a good member of the Church--for me personally, I have found that searching for parallels between the gospel and something I've been taught through my whole life through our traditions of the elders and through my family members--for me, I have found that we have these traditions, right? We believe in a Creator. We believe in Mother Earth. We believe in the spirit. We believe we're already a spiritual people, so the gospel for me has just been a bridge. And they've become intertwined for me, having the Church and having the knowledge of our traditions. They've just complemented each other so well that it's been easy to find the bridges. It's been easy to realize that I have a Heavenly Father that loves me, that we have the gospel, and I can pray to Him. He created the world for us so that we can have joy, and that bridges with traditions that we've been taught from a young age. And for me, retaining the traditions of my people has been through genealogy work. It's orally taught through our Native lineage, right? It goes from one generation to the other through a story. So with that, when elders pass away, we don't have that story. We don't have that. We don't have any of that knowledge or any of the names, the stories, anything like that. So for me and my family, we have taken it upon ourselves to find those stories and hear the stories and have them written and recorded so that we can take the names to the temple and that we can take the stories and we can write them down for the future generations. So just keeping those traditions and finding the bridges for you personally is one way that I've been able to continue to stay strong in the Church.

Retain Your Traditions and Live the Gospel

You can retain your Native traditions and live the gospel of Jesus Christ by finding bridges between the two. Many Native traditions complement principles of the gospel, which makes them easy to share with new generations.

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