

How do I feel about my native heritage? My native heritage is so important to me. It's a huge part of who I am. It's a part of my daily life. It's a part of my children's life. It's a part of my husband's life. And it's not necessarily that it's because of what I feel inside of me or because of how I identify as a Native American. A lot of it is because that's how people see me. People see me differently. And so I know that it's a part of my daily life is because I'm perceived as different. And that's OK because I like my heritage. I love who I am. I love the rich background. I love the traditions. I love the culture. And I love the testimony that I hear from my family. I love hearing about certain traditions and certain practices that mirror or that reflect things that we do in the temple, things that we do in church, and these same ideas that we have as far as our spirituality. I value that. And I value the strength in my testimony that my heritage has given me. It has blessed my life, and it has brought me so much closer to my Heavenly Father. And it's brought me so much closer to the temple. It's brought me closer to the members in my ward. And I feel a different brotherhood. I feel a different friendship with people of my same heritage because we lift each other up and we strive to be better as a people. And we strive to be better as friends and as church members and as a family. And I love that; I love that we're treating each other like a family. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Feel Appreciation for My Native Heritage

One woman shares how her native heritage helps her feel a deeper connection to others. “My native heritage is so important to me. It’s a huge part of who I am. It’s a part of my daily life[,] . . . my spirituality. I like my heritage.”

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