

How to deal with feelings of inadequacy or feeling like I'm not good enough. In this world, we've been counseled by the Twelve Apostles and the Prophet to be careful about the social media, the internet, the news, all of these perceptions that we have of the world. And part of that is because of the damage it can do to ourselves. When I'm on social media, I'm not looking at people's worst, I'm looking at people's best. I'm not seeing what's behind the camera, so it's really easy for me to compare my weaknesses to these strengths that I see or what I think are these strengths. And it's really easy for me to say, "You know what, today I didn't make a meal out of scratch." I may have gone out to eat today, but that's OK. My best every day is going to be different, and our--everyone's best is going to be different. And that's OK. It's OK to be different. It's OK to not need the world's approval. It's because ultimately what matters is that our Heavenly Father really is the only one that needs to approve of us. And it's not even that He's going to stand there and disapprove of us, but He's going to push us in the right direction. And so if we worry or if we concentrate more on pleasing the Lord and being someone that He can be proud of and that He knows that we can be, then those feelings of inadequacy will eventually melt away, and we will become stronger and more comfortable in who we are as people. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Deal with Feelings of Inadequacy

One woman shares how easy it is to feel inadequate in a social-media world, to compare someone else’s best with your worst. My best is different every day. We should concentrate on pleasing the Lord. Then feelings of inadequacy will melt away.

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