

How to find happiness in our lives each day. I feel like you can find happiness in every single day. You can make every day the best day ever. You can always find joy. Just look to the things that make you happy. And I think it's wonderful because every once in a while, you will have an amazing day, and you can look back on this and--what I do is I always enjoy those amazing moments. And I think about--this is an amazing moment. I feel so happy right now. I'm going to remember this. I'm going to look back upon this if I ever feel down or if I ever feel like I'm not having a good day, and this will certainly remind me to continue to be happy. And I think as they say it's in the small things in life that make you happy, and I find that to be true as well. Just listening to a song or just saying hi to a stranger on the street, like any simple, kind gesture, you can find joy in everything in life I think. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Find Joy Every Single Day

Young man shares how he tries to remember those “amazing moments” in life so that down the road he can rekindle the feeling when he needs it. Joy is in the simple things like greeting a stranger. Kindness brings joy.

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