

How to feel happiness in my life every day has been a struggle. It's something that I've struggled with recently just because of the world. It's really scary, and so for me, I say a prayer to my Heavenly Father like please help me just feel comfortable and safe and to know what to do if something were to happen. And I've been--I found that I've been comforted in my fear, and I've replaced fear with faith knowing that Heavenly Father will always be there for me. And He's never given me anything I couldn't handle. So I've started looking outward instead of--I ride public transportation, so you know I have my headphones in and my music and I look straight at my phone. That's how it's always been. But as I've started looking for happiness and trying to find where I need to be in life and what my Heavenly Father needs from me is looking outward. So while I'm on public transportation, I'll look to see--I've helped a couple elderly women who have little walkers and just finding ways to serve them. It doesn't have to be a big thing. It hasn't been a big thing, but knowing that I've helped somebody that day has actually brought me more happiness than I thought would be possible. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Find Daily Happiness in a Scary World

Finding happiness every day can be challenging—especially when the world seems scary. This young woman tells how she replaces fear with faith by praying and then looking outside herself to find others who need assistance.

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