

How to prepare for marriage and parenting. Is there even really a way to prepare for the biggest changes that will happen in your life? I really don't think there's a way to best prepare other than trusting in the Lord and doing everything that you can to make sure that you are spiritually ready for what's going to happen. These are huge changes in our life. You're going to go from single to committing yourself to one person for the rest of your life, for the rest of eternity, and that right there in itself is a huge change. And then as you adjust to that change, now you have these children who now require your full and undivided attention, and it's a 24-hour, 7-day-a-week, 365-day-a-year job. And these changes, they raise so many questions. Am I really ready? Do I know what I'm doing? How do I know that I'm being a good spouse? How do I know I'm being a good parent? What do I do? Where do I go? Who do I talk to? And I took it to the Lord every single day multiple times a day when I was dating my now husband, and we did the same thing when we felt inspired to bring children into our marriage. We were in the temple, and we had the strong impression. And so we prayed everyday, and we felt like it was the right time. And it's been hard. It's been scary. And now we have two children. But it's working, and we see the blessings of God the harder and harder that we try. And I truly--for myself, I truly believe that the answers come as we are praying and as we're trying. And sometimes the answer from Heavenly Father is "You know what you're doing, I trust you, you go, and I will give you a little bump if you're going the wrong way." And that's a scary decision, and it's a scary answer to receive sometimes because it's not very clear. And it's hard to trust ourselves, but the Lord trusts us. And if the Lord can trust us to make the right decision, then we can be relieved in knowing that He will help us and He will guide us along the way. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Prepare for Marriage and Parenting

Can we fully prepare for the greatest challenges in life—marriage and parenting? A young mother counsels to trust in the Lord and prepare spiritually. Take your concerns to the Lord. Blessings come as we pray. He trusts you.

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