

How to choose an education or career. One thing that was super important to me was being able to look at people I trusted and get as many people's input as I could and then take a look at how that matched up against my priorities. For me, I really wanted to be with my family a lot. I really wanted to spend time with my children, and so as I asked different people what they thought about my career decisions, I was able to get a view of how that would match up with what I thought was important. A great important thing to me was to ask my wife, my best friend, what her thoughts were on it as well as ask somebody that was in the profession I was thinking about doing. And the insight gained from those two things of someone that knew me really well and someone that knew the profession really well was invaluable. The last thing that I think was really important for me was going to the Lord. I settled on a decision I thought and I felt pretty good about. I still was a little hesitant because it wasn't necessarily what I felt I thought I was going to do in my life, but as I did that and asked the Lord, went to the temple, thought about it, and prayed, I found that it was the path I need to go on. And I couldn't be happier. I love what I do now, and it's really been a great blessing in my life. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Choose a Career You’ll Love

When choosing an education or career, says a young father, seek input from many people, including family and experts, and see how their counsel matches your views and values. After settling on a decision, take your plan to the Lord.

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