
How to find answers to my faith-based questions? I believe that in this world where there's so much openness, where there's so much available to us on social media, on the internet, in the news, there's going to be so many different reports on what we hear and what we know and what we believe that we know. And I think it's so hard to find something that's reliable and that's sturdy. And in those cases, we have to be so prayerful in the answers that we're looking for. And it's OK for us to have questions. It's OK for us to have wavering faith. The Lord wants us to seek out these answers. And He wants us to try. And He wants us to study. And He wants us to find these answers on our own. And in being prayerful and serving the Lord and following the Ten Commandments, following the revelation, following the words that the modern-day prophet has given to us, I truly believe that we can find the answers that we need. It may not come immediately. It may not come in a couple days, but if we have patience and if we follow the Lord and if we trust Him to lead us to the correct resources and to the correct words that we need to hear, then I truly believe that we will find the answers that we need.

Find Answers to Your Faith-Based Questions

Finding reliable answers in today’s internet world can be challenging, says one woman. Finding faith-based answers requires prayer. Questions are good. The Lord expects us to study and learn for ourselves. Answers come if we trust the Lord to lead.

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