

How to be a better friend and sibling. Wow. OK. So first of all, I think most important is that we have to have a desire in our heart to be a better friend and to be a better sibling, because it's impossible to develop the courage and to develop the actions, unless we actually have that desire deep in our hearts. Secondly, I think it's important that we have the courage to act upon that. And we can pray for the courage. We can look for the courage. But deep down, we have to find the courage to act upon it. And my feelings on that developed when I was 21 and I decided that I really wanted to follow the example of my father and my grandfather, who had this amazing, uncanny ability to make anyone in the room feel good about themselves, no matter their background, their shape, their size, anything about them. My father and my grandfather were so good. And they were such amazing examples to me in making people feel good about themselves and knowing that they trusted who they were as a person and that they saw who they are deep down inside their heart. And thirdly, I think the most important is that we have to have the best of intentions in our actions and in our hearts. And I say that because the last thing I said to my brother before he passed away was negative and it was hurtful. And it was one of the most unkind things I've ever said in my life. And we were in the middle of a huge argument, unfortunately. And those were the last things that I said to him. And so when I think about the last time I saw my brother, I think of those negative words and how much it hurts me to have that memory. And so in that, I take that and I try and flip it around and I say, I'm going to be intentional and I'm going to say something positive. I may not agree, but I'm going to try harder to be positive. I'm going to be trying harder to be a good influence and to be a good example and to make people feel good about themselves. And as we act upon that, it'll grow and it'll grow and it'll make things easier to serve people. It'll be easier to listen to the Spirit and to find ways to serve people and to help people realize how much we really do care about them. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Be a Better Friend or Sibling

A young woman draws three lessons for how to be a better friend and sibling from an experience of saying hurtful things to a brother before he unexpectedly died. Have a desire to improve, act with courage, and be motivated by the best of intentions.

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