
[MUSIC PLAYING] Based on actual events as recorded in the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. [MUSIC PLAYING]


I have repented of my sins, and have been redeemed of the Lord.

After wading through much tribulation, repenting nigh unto death, the Lord in mercy hath seen fit to snatch me out of an everlasting burning, and I am born of God.


My soul hath been redeemed from the gall of bitterness and the bonds of iniquity.


I was in the darkest abyss; but now I behold the marvelous light of God. My soul was racked with eternal torment; but I am snatched, and my soul is pained no more.

I rejected my Redeemer, and denied that which had been spoken of by our fathers; but now He will make Himself manifest unto all. Yea, every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess before Him. Yea, even at the last day, when all men shall stand to be judged of Him, then shall they confess that He is God.

Alma began from this time forward to teach the people, publishing to all the people the things which he had heard and seen, and preaching the word of God.

Alma Testifies He Has Been Born of God | Mosiah 27; Alma 36

Alma the Younger wakes up and tells his family that the Savior, Jesus Christ, has taken away his sins. He has been born again. Alma the Younger begins to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and share his experience.

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