
Based on actual events as recorded in the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.


Wilt thou give a humble servant of God something to eat?

I am Amulek. I am a Nephite, and I know that thou art a holy prophet of God. Thou art the man whom an angel said in a vision: Thou shalt receive. Come with me into my house, and I will impart unto thee of my food; I know that thou wilt be a blessing unto me and my house. I give thanks to God for bringing us together. May He bless you and your house. I am Alma, and am the high priest over the church of God throughout the land. I have been called to preach the word of God among this people. Because thou hast fed me and taken me in, thou art blessed. It is an honor for us to welcome a servant of the Lord into our home. You may tarry with us for as many days as you wish. [MUSIC PLAYING]

The word of the Lord has come unto me, saying: Go, and also say unto my servant Amulek, go forth and prophesy unto these people.

Amulek Receives Alma into His Home | Alma 8

An angel of the Lord appears and tells Alma the younger to return to Ammonihah. When Alma returns to the city, a man named Amulek welcomes him into his home and allows Alma to teach his family.

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