
Based on actual events as recorded in the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.



King Lamoni, a Nephite has been captured in the borders of our land. Bring the dissenter to me. I will decide if he will be slain or cast into prison.

Why do you venture into our land?

I desire to dwell among these people for a time, perhaps until the day I die.

This Nephite pleases me. Loose his bands.

I would that you should take one of my daughters to wife.

I thank you, but nay.

I will be thy servant.


You shall be set among my other servants to watch my flocks.

Ammon Becomes the Servant of King Lamoni | Alma 17

Ammon and the sons of Mosiah go on missions to teach the Lamanites the word of God. Ammon chooses to become King Lamoni’s servant and lives with the Lamanites.

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