
- [Narrator] This is The World Report for April 2020. Coming up, Latter-day Saint Charities continues to help people around the world and receives recognition from the Red Cross. After months of giving, the donations from the Light the World campaign are delivered. And the Salt Lake and St. George temples undergo major renovations. But first, the Church responds to the worldwide coronavirus pandemic with caution and with hope.

As the COVID-19 pandemic impacts the world, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is taking unprecedented steps in the fight against the spread of the illness. - After prayerful consideration and with our deep desire to be part of the solution to this challenge, we have recently made many temporary adjustments to the way we worship and serve the Lord. - [Narrator] Under an abundance of caution, temples are closed, worship services are suspended globally, and general conference is being viewed remotely rather than attended in person. Other changes include the closure of Temple Square and Church universities now teach courses online. Missionaries in some areas have been transferred, and newly called missionaries are undergoing online training rather than enter missionary training centers. Amid the major changes, President Nelson shares a message of reassurance and hope. - These unique challenges will pass in due time. I remain optimistic for the future. I know the great and marvelous blessings that God has in store for those who love Him and serve Him. I love you, I pray for you, and I promise that you will receive comfort and peace as you continue to hear Him. - [Narrator] See updated information on impacts of the coronavirus at

Continuing with his mantle as the prophet of God, Russell M. Nelson, the 95-year-old president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, along with Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, ministered to the people of Southeast Asia in November. Their first stop was in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam, where President Nelson met with many young single adults of the Church. - Hello, nice to meet you. - [Narrator] Many were first generation members. - We've come a long ways, many hours in the airplane, not much sleep, but we'd like to help you if we can. (woman speaking in foreign language)

- [Narrator] Along with the single adults, President Nelson met with other members and friends of the Church during evening devotionals. - I have great feelings of thanksgiving for you. You are very special. - [Narrator] The global faith leaders continued to minister as the Savior would in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. While there, President Nelson delighted hundreds of Church members when he unveiled a rendering of the Phnom Penh Cambodia Temple. - Would you like to know more about the temple?

Let's have a picture.

That's what it will look like. - [Narrator] On the eve of the devotional, the prophet and Elder Christofferson met with the deputy prime minister of Cambodia. - We have the great privilege of meeting with the deputy prime minister, who is a wonderful, extraordinary woman. - [Narrator] Their next stop was the island of Singapore, where the prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ met with multi-generational Latter-day Saint families. - The first thing he said to my son was "I love you." - I love you. - [Woman] Which I was quite surprise by that. - Okay, you kids all go to the meeting. (people laughing) - [Narrator] In the devotional broadcast to Singapore's Latter-day Saint congregations, President Nelson shared Christ-centered principles to strengthen future generations. - Please help these precious children to understand that God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son. - [Narrator] President Nelson chose Jakarta, Indonesia, as the final leg of his Southeast Asia ministry, showing his tireless love and compassion for Church members. - He looks better with you at his side. - [Narrator] And religious and government leaders including the vice president of Indonesia, Ma'ruf Amin. - I feel a strong sense of gratitude to our Heavenly Father and to our early pioneers. With all these people, we love them, and we feel for them when they have pain, and we rejoice with them when they have joy. As we were leaving, what we felt was one of those moments that you'll never forget. You can't put words to it very well, but it's the Lord telling you that this is His work, and He's directing it, and we get to participate.

In the scriptures there are very few sacred instances in which the voice of God the Father has been heard. Repeatedly He has personally introduced His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, with the specific charge to hear Him. - [Narrator] In the days leading up to general conference, President Nelson gave the special invitation to the world to hear the voice of our Savior Jesus Christ. - I invite you to think deeply and often about this key question, How do you hear him? Our Father loves us and yearns for each one of us to choose to return to His holy presence. He pleads with us to strive with all your heart, might, mind, and soul to hear Him.

- [Narrator] See ways to share your experience on how you hear the Savior's voice at

On the edge of the Chesapeake Bay is found Annapolis, Maryland, home to the United States Naval Academy and also the state capitol. And in November, it's where President Henry B. Eyring of the First Presidency and Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles were guests of Governor Larry Hogan at his Annapolis office. - That's the only photograph I've ever seen of my great-grandmother. - [Narrator] There they delivered a gift to the governor of his family history and discussed opportunities for people in Maryland to use the Just Serve initiative to promote volunteer opportunities. - We love being partners with you in trying to do some good. - Absolutely.

- [Narrator] Following their visit to Maryland, the Church leaders traveled to Charlotte, North Carolina, meeting with leaders and full-time missionaries serving in the area. - He loves you and He called you. Their faith and their devotion was just palpable. You could just feel that. ♪ In Zion we'll rejoice - If you'll draw close to Him, He'll draw close to you.

- [Narrator] The Church leaders concluded their ministry visit in a stake conference Sunday morning.

(gavel striking) - The Senate will come to order. - [Narrator] The goodwill and kind regard of his ministry followed President Eyring again to Idaho in early March. - Thank you. I am honored to be here. - [Narrator] His first stop was to the Idaho State Capitol Building in Boise, where he opened a legislative session with a prayer on the Senate floor. - [President Eyring] Our Beloved Heavenly Father - [Narrator] And later met with Governor Brad Little and presented him with his family history. - The leaders of the state; the governor, a remarkable man; and the members of the House and the Senate-- all again you got that feeling

of the goodness of these people. It's a great state. I was delighted to be here and represent the Church. - [Narrator] As a part of his visit to Boise, President Eyring toured the Idaho Foodbank, where he represented the Church and announced a partner contribution to assist in helping the poor and needy.

- For as long as it lasts. - How's your family doing? - [Narrator] M. Russell Ballard, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, ministered for three days in New England in October, along with fellow Apostle Elder D. Todd Christofferson. - This is really a special treat to be able to be out on an assignment together. - We feel, as Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ, charged and commissioned to carry the name of Jesus Christ and His Church to the world. - [Narrator] The Apostles began their trip at the birthplace of Joseph Smith in Vermont. - What a beautiful town. - [Narrator] Later they traveled to Boston, where they met with government and civic leaders, including Massachusetts governor Charlie Baker. On Sunday they also took time to chat with young single adults. - I think he's really reachable, really relatable, just the way that he presents himself, the way that he spoke to us.

- [Narrator] As President Ballard and Elder Christofferson concluded this trip, they spoke to thousands in Worcester, Massachusetts, urging Latter-day Saints to see the hand of God in this nation and in their own lives. - We must stand boldly for righteousness and truth.

- [Narrator] Just one month later, President Ballard traveled to New York City with Elder Jack N. Gerard of the Seventy, where he met with international diplomats, religious leaders, and human rights officials. - It's been a full two days but, very productive meetings. Everybody from senior officials at the United Nations along with a number of ambassadors - How are you? - [Jack] represented different countries. - Thank you so much. - [Jack] We've had interfaith leaders meetings, NAACP senior leadership who's here in New York City. We had that interview with the New York Times, with the Associated Press. - I think it's a wonderful thing to see how the Church is being recognized, particularly in the past few years, as an organization that is worldwide, that is becoming very important.

- [Narrator] Coming up, Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Twelve returns to the Philippines and meets with leaders in the wake of a natural disaster. And Apostles answer questions and share insights with the youth of the Church face to face.

(soft music)

- Hi sister, how are you? - [Narrator] For nearly a week, Elder Quentin L.Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Mary, ministered in the Philippines,

where more than 800,000 Latter-day Saints reside. - Our very first assignment when he became a General Authority was to come to Philippines.

- We feel just an enormous appreciation for the Philippine people. - [Narrator] While there, they visited with members, government officials, religious leaders, and the media. - Our Church will be celebrating that this whole year. (thunder cracking) - [Narrator] On January 12, in the middle of his ministry trip, the Taal Volcano erupted a mere 35 miles away.

Within hours of the eruption, Elder Cook spoke to hundreds of Latter-day Saints and friends of the faith from the Mandaluyong area congregations.

Elder Cook also made an unannounced trip to Batangas, where he ministered to volcano evacuees temporarily sheltered in Church meeting houses. - I honestly can't remember a time when I've seen people who were quite as resilient and quite as smiling.

Even with severe devastation, they seem to watch out for each other and be able to have their spiritual sense that things are gonna be all right. If anything, I'm leaving feeling uplifted myself.

- [Narrator] In preparation for the dedication of the Durban South Africa Temple-- featured later in this broadcast-- Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Melanie, visited Latter-day Saints and government leaders throughout the temple district, which includes the country of Lesotho. On February 10, Elder and Sister Rasband met with the king and queen of Lesotho and discussed the growing Latter-day Saint presence in the country. They also presented the king and queen with a special embossed copy of the Book of Mormon.

(man speaking in foreign language) - [Narrator] These migrant families' journeys are uncertain. - Many of them arrived with only the things that they carried with them through their journey. - It's one thing to see it on the five o'clock news. It's something very different to come and see where the people come. - [Narrator] Here in Phoenix, Arizona, Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles has brought a portion of his ministry to help forward an emerging partnership in the faith community in addressing the needs of migrant families as they arrive at the Ann Ott Welcome Center in Phoenix. This Welcome Center is managed by the International Rescue Committee. As families arrive, they're given additional assistance.

- I don't think we would be open if it wasn't for the contributions from the LDS Church. It was just astounding to see. - The Bible tells us what to do. We are the friend of the stranger to welcome them into our homes and in our lives - [Narrator] The same type of Church-sponsored ministering is also unfolding in Austin, Texas. - Nice meeting you, Elder Soares. - [Narrator] Elder Ulisses Soares, also of the Twelve, has come to central Texas to meet with Church members and interfaith leaders. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - Thank you so much. - [Narrator] The Nicholes and other people of faith are volunteering to help these groups, partnering with the Catholic Diocese of Austin. - If we work together, then we're able to combine services, combine our strength, and it makes it just that much easier for us to do the work of God. - [Narrator] Another form of support showed up when 40,000 pounds of food arrived from the Church's bishops' storehouse. - This is a demonstration of living and putting into action

the Lord's second great commandment. - We agree that we have to protect our borders, but once we have somebody by us, our neighbor who is in need, we will act in love and help and support these people.

- We are so excited to be here with you tonight. - [Narrator] Continuing the popular worldwide devotional series, three different Face to Face events were recently held, allowing young Latter-day Saints to ask questions directly to Church leaders. - Jervana from Arizona asks: How do I get over the fear of not making the best decision? - [Narrator] Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, along with Elder Craig C. Christensen of the Seventy, met with an audience of 18- to 30-year-olds of the Church at a broadcast from Brigham Young University in September. - I hope they learn that God love them and they can always count on that love. - [Elder Gong] Welcome to this Church-wide Face to Face. - [Narrator] At the Tabernacle in Salt Lake City in November, the biggest Face to Face event ever was hosted by Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the Twelve and other Church leaders, who announced details of the new Children and Youth program. - It gives us the same program for youth everywhere and for children everywhere with tremendous flexibility and adaptability so that no matter where they are, no matter their circumstances, the program will work for them. - [Narrator] This new program encourages youth to develop Christlike attributes through learning new talents, expanding their interests and abilities, and preparing for missionary service, education, work, and family life. - I'm really excited for the app. I feel like that will help me to do my goals better. - [Narrator] Guest artist David Archuleta performed the 2020 youth theme song. ♪ I will make Him room - This program is designed to help you become more like our Savior in four areas: spiritual, social, physical, and intellectual.

- [Narrator] In February President Dallin H. Oaks of the First Presidency, alongside his wife, Kristen, met with the youth of the Church to hear their thoughts and experiences with the new Children and Youth program and give encouragement. - I've learned that the Lord loves me individually and wants me to succeed. - As you keep Christ involved in your goals, it'll be easier to get through tough trials in your life. - You can do this, and God will help you.

♪ I feel my Savior there beside me ♪

- [Narrator] Straight ahead, joining hands to help and heal, honoring decades of partnership with the Red Cross. Plus, the First Presidency welcomes the leader of the Muslim World League to Salt Lake City. - [Mohammad] Amazing!

- [Narrator] Since it began in 1985, Latter-day Saint Charities has provided more than two billion dollars in assistance to people, countries, and organizations in need around the world.

In March, more than a century of partnership was celebrated as this humanitarian arm of the Church was given the 2020 American Red Cross Partnership Award in Washington, D.C. - I truly can't think of a better partner than the Church because our missions are very much aligned. We're both trying to alleviate human suffering through volunteer services. - God bless, godspeed, and good luck. - Thank you. - [Narrator] Sharon Eubank, president of Latter-day Saint Charities, and Presiding Bishop Gérald Caussé accepted the award on behalf of the Church and the thousands of Latter-day Saint volunteers who continue to donate their resources and time to partner with the Red Cross. - It's a blessing to be a part of your life. - [Narrator] In 2019 Latter-day Saint Charities assisted the lives of millions of people in 142 countries with 2,000 partnerships around the world. - Our hospital is very pleased to be able to donate over 100 beds to the Port Moresby General Hospital. - [Narrator] In the island nation of Papua New Guinea, Latter-day Saint Charities partnered with Pacific Assist and Castlemaine Health to transport more than 130 hospital beds to the Port Moresby General Hospital in October. - And some of the beds are really in dire need for repair, and some of them really need to be destroyed or sent away, disposed of because they are so old. - This is down. You could make it come back up. - [Narrator] During the same period, the World Health Organization announced the eradication of maternal and neonatal tetanus in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Latter-day Saint Charities has worked for several years with UNICEF to eradicate the disease that threatens the lives of young mothers and their children.

In Salt Lake City, Utah, the UN's World Food Programme director, David Beasley, toured the welfare and food production sites that are operated by the Church. - Oh, that milk is so good! - Deseret brand on there, you saw in the video some of that. - Yeah, yeah. - You're looking for partners that truly have a heart. I think that is my biggest takeaway is the compassion for helping God's children all over the world. - [Narrator] The Church has partnered with the UN World Food Programme since 2014.

On January 7, the island of Puerto Rico was hit by a 6.4 magnitude earthquake, which knocked out power for nearly the entire island and caused hundreds of people to lose their homes. (woman speaking in foreign language)

In the wake of the destruction, dozens of Latter-day Saints visited the southern part of the island to extend a helping hand to residents affected by the quake and series of aftershocks that continued for weeks. (man speaking in foreign language)

(woman speaking in foreign language) (woman speaking in foreign language)

- [Narrator] The expanding partnership between The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Muslims exemplifies that faith-based communities can peacefully coexist.

His Excellency, Mohammad Al-Issa, secretary general of the Muslim World League, is acting president of the International Organization of Muslim Scholars. He recently made a visit to Church headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah. While there, His Excellency met with the Church's most senior leadership, including President Russell M. Nelson and Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

During a visit to Welfare Square, the Muslim leader learned about, and experienced in first person, how the humanitarian arm of the Church functions to reach people in need. - Amazing!

(Mohammad speaking in foreign language)

- [Narrator] Still ahead, once out of reach, higher learning is brought to over 40,000 students around the world. Plus, a new exhibit celebrates the pioneering role of the Relief Society in women's right to vote.

- I'm gonna ask maybe Puy'ora if you wanna read the story of Nelson Mandela. - [Narrator] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is expanding its access to higher education through BYU-Pathway Worldwide. Nearly 42,000 students are now enrolled in the online learning programs. - BYU-Pathway Worldwide was created to provide access to an affordable spiritually based education to people who couldn't find access to education otherwise. - [Teacher] We have to have a good life. - [Clark] It operates in over a hundred countries, 500 locations, and is really made to work wherever the Church is organized. - It has prepared me for leadership roles. Sometimes I feel like I can take charge of things now better than I could before I started this program. - BYU-Pathway Worldwide is divided really into two core programs: The first is what's called Pathway Connect, which helps students prepare or return to college. And then the second part of the program is the certificate and degree. We found it was very important for the students to find relevance to education immediately, and that very first year they learn a job skill, they're in areas you can find jobs immediately. (man speaking in foreign language)

- It's not just learning from our own self, but to build my own family and the country and the world as a whole. So it's really a wonderful opportunity for me to learn.

- These are the last artifacts to go in. - [Narrator] If you ask Tiffany Bowels, the exhibit that she and her team are making final touches to before its grand opening reflects what will soon be 150 years since The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' Relief Society organization played a pioneering role in helping women exercise their right to vote for the first time ever in Utah. - The Relief Society was founded in 1842, and then it was just six years later that the first women's rights convention was held in Seneca Falls, New York. - [Narrator] The new Church History Museum exhibit in Salt Lake City, Utah--Sisters for Suffrage: How Utah Women Won the Vote--sheds light on how the Latter-day Saint organization for women opened new doors of opportunity by playing an active role in the suffragist movement. - The women in Utah were the first to legally vote in the United States election under an equal suffrage law. - [Narrator] Featured items that belong to some of Utah's prominent Latter-day Saints' suffragists are on display, including the Utah legislation document that officially enfranchised women in 1870. - Emmeline B. Wells is one of my heroes. - Yes. - [Narrator] Sister Jean B. Bingham-- 17th General President of the Relief Society-- and local political leaders gathered to celebrate the exhibit's grand opening that visitors can experience online at and in person until January 2021.

- How many people can fit in there? - [Narrator] Emmy is eight years old, and today her family decided that this week's excursion destination would be The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' newest Church History Museum exhibit. - [Emmy] Do you kneel on this and put your hands on that? - [Chris] Yes, so like-- - [Narrator] The exhibit "Temples Dot the Earth: Building the House of the Lord" aims to provide children ages 1 to 11 with an interactive experience. - You could see there's a mirror here. - Yeah. - And there's actually a mirror here, and so when you get married, you can look in the mirrors and it goes back and forth. I think that this museum is a great educational tool and we're able to talk about some of the specific spots of the temple. - I'm excited to go to the temple because it's a big place and that a lot of my other family members get together, and I can go there with them too. - [Narrator] Children like Emmy aren't quite old enough to attend the temple, but with the hands-on temple-themed activities that make up the exhibit, this educational experience will give them a head start. - It symbolizes the 12 tribes of Israel. - [Narrator] The exhibit was unveiled in February and is now open to the public. - [Woman] This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for people to come and see this sacred space. - [Narrator] From Peru to South Africa, from Germany to the United States, new temples are dedicated, and enduring temples are renovated and rededicated. We'll take you there.

(soft music)

We begin our temple coverage around the world in Latin America. Here, the Arequipa Peru Temple was dedicated on December 15, 2019, by Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Arequipa is Peru's second largest city and is home to more than half a million Latter-day Saints. The Arequipa Temple is the 167th dedicated temple in the Church worldwide and the third temple in Peru.

Next we go to South Africa, where on Sunday, February 16, the Durban South Africa Temple dedication took place. Just before the session began, Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles presided over the symbolic cornerstone ceremony, which represents the completion of the temple. - [Elder Rasband] This cornerstone ceremony will touch your hearts, and you'll feel the Spirit that we feel here in the temple today. - [Narrator] Prior to the dedication, Elder Rasband and his wife, Melanie, toured the temple with the king and queen of South Africa, along with other members of the Zulu royal family. The king asked the Church to help his people in rural areas of Africa and to assist in teaching them about the Lord Jesus Christ. - I decree that The Church of Jesus Christ Latter-day Saints

be allowed to spread the gospel in our country. - [Narrator] This temple in Durban is the second in South Africa, with three others in operation on the continent, and six more temples are in either the construction or planning phase. Next we journey to the Eastern United States, where the 160,000 square foot Washington D.C. Temple is nearing the completion of a two-year renovation. A landmark for decades near the nation's capital, the temple will be opened for public tours from September 24 to October 31. - This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for people to come and see for themselves the inside of this sacred space. - [Narrator] Following the open house, the Washington D.C. Temple will be rededicated on December 13. And to North Carolina, where Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, M. Russell Ballard, rededicated the Raleigh North Carolina Temple on Sunday, October 13, 2019. The Raleigh Temple had been undergoing various stages of remodeling for the last two years, including the installation of a higher steeple. President Ballard greeted many in attendance during the rededication and encouraged Latter-day Saints to bring their children to the temple when they come of age. Returning to Latin America, the Asunción Paraguay Temple was rededicated by Elder D. Todd Christofferson on Sunday, November 3, 2019,

after two years of renovations. Elder Christofferson, who served a mission as a young man in neighboring Argentina, said to the attendees, "The Temple is a place to rededicate one's life to the Lord's work." Our next stop is in western Europe, where Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf returned to his native Germany for the rededication of the Frankfurt Germany Temple on Sunday, October 20, 2019. The temple closed in 2015 for renovations and the building of additional temple space. Addressing the youth of the Church during a special devotional, Elder Uchtdorf told them that the temple is a symbol of eternity and God's love for them.

To the Southern United States we go, and to the open house and rededication of the Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple. First closed in early 2018, the temple has reemerged with a newly designed exterior, along with structural and artistic elements that reflect Louisiana's natural lush setting. After an open house for public viewing in late October, the Baton Rouge Louisiana Temple was rededicated on November 17, 2019, by Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve.

Lastly, we return to the Western United States, where renovations on historic temples are underway.

It's an historic year for temples in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. On January 17 in Salt Lake City, the long-standing South Visitors' Center was razed to make way for a new, open and inviting look to the Church's most iconic temple and its grounds. - What you're seeing right now is the tail end of years of planning of this project.

- [Narrator] While some buildings and trees are being removed, great care is being taken to preserve irreplaceable historic trees and sculptures. Much of these exterior preparations are for a key undertaking to reinforce the temple structure to withstand a magnitude 7.2 earthquake. - The seismic upgrade of the temple is significant. It'll take a lot of work to put it on a base-isolation system that separates it from the earth so that in an earthquake the earth moves and the temple moves less. - [Narrator] While that's underway, much of the temple's interior will be restored. The project is expected to take four years, and during that time, Temple Square will remain open.

300 miles to the south, one of the oldest temples of the Church is also under construction. - For how old this building is and for when it was constructed, it is in fantastic condition. - [Narrator] The St. George Temple, in the heart of Utah's Dixie, is undergoing major renovations, inside and out, for necessary safety and energy efficiency upgrades. - The first phase of this project really has been removing all of the 20th-century additions to this building. - [Narrator] Areas removed include the 1970s-era north entrance and west addition. - And the point of all of this is to put the new additions on that are safer and more functional. - [Narrator] Carefully protected during the demolition, the exterior window, hidden from view for more than 40 years, is once again unveiled in remarkably good condition. - It's a really exciting process to see the work and the craftsmanship that these people had back then. It's incredible. - [Narrator] Once rebuilt, the north entrance and west addition will more closely match the original architecture of the historic temple. The St. George Temple renovation is expected to be completed in 2022.

When we come back, Latin American culture and music take center stage with a multi-generational cast of hundreds. And for the first time, the RootsTech Family History Conference travels overseas and has record-setting attendance in the United States.

(soft music)

As a part of the continuing Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ, in the October 2019 general conference, President Russell M. Nelson, along with other senior leaders, announced adjustments to the Church's temple recommend questions, a new policy allowing all temple recommend holders to act as witnesses, as well as enhancements to Young Men and Young Women organizations that allow greater flexibility for classes and the ability for bishops to work more closely with the youth. The First Presidency has made adjustments to the sacred ceremonial clothing worn by Latter-day Saints attending the temple. Announced in January, the new temple clothing has been simplified to further enhance the temple experience. Previously designed temple clothing may still be worn for temple attendance. Leaders from the Church recently attended the NAACP Salt Lake Branch's 36th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Memorial Luncheon in Salt Lake City. Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was honored as this year's keynote speaker. - Our relationship with the NAACP has evolved from acquaintance to friend to linking arms to locking arms.

(upbeat music) - [Narrator] The Latin American cultural celebration Light of the Nations included a cast of thousands of performers before a packed house at the Conference Center in November. (singing in foreign language) The theme of the celebration, "A Home for All," was brought to life with over 300 voices from across Latin America, Spain, the United States, and Africa, which highlighted family, heritage, and belonging.

(soft music)

Thousands of people gathered inside the Conference Center in Salt Lake City in mid-December to take in the songs and grandeur of the Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square, the Orchestra at Temple Square, and the Bells on Temple Square. ♪ And men will live forevermore ♪ - [Narrator] Acclaimed Broadway singer and actress Kelli O'Hara and renowned actor Richard Thomas were the featured guest artist and narrator at this year's Christmas concert. - American poet Robert Frost reminded us that we are all pilgrims. - [Narrator] This concert marked the 20th anniversary of the Christmas tradition.

The second volume of "Saints: The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days" was published in February and is now available from the Church's online store. Titled "No Unhallowed Hand," this second volume continues the epic tales of Latter-day Saint pioneers, starting as they flee mob persecution in Nauvoo, following Brigham Young west to the Rocky Mountains, and culminating with the completion of the Salt Lake Temple in the late 1800s. The book series will ultimately release four volumes and will be available in 14 languages.

In October, the growing popularity of the RootsTech Family History Conference sailed across the Atlantic. For the first time, the Utah-based FamilySearch event staged a conference at the ExCel Convention Centre in London. - There was a great feeling of camaraderie. There's a feeling here that everyone's united by a common desire to learn about their family's past and to share that with other like-minded people. - [Narrator] Forty-two countries were represented, with attendees numbering nearly 10,000. Special guests included Elder David A. Bednar and Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and their wives, Susan and Mary. In February, RootsTech returned to the Mountain West, where its 10th anniversary conference at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City had a record-setting attendance of over 30,000 people. Elder Gary E. Stevenson and his wife, Lisa, were among the keynote speakers at the conference. - What you soon realize is that you all have this connection and this bond and this love for each other, and we all are family; we're all brothers and sisters.

- [Narrator] At the request of Cuba's ambassador to the United States, José R. Cabañas, the First Presidency of the Church met with him and his wife, Edilia González, and Third Secretary Yanet Pumariega Pérez. As they spoke about the Church's cooperation with social and community organizations in times of disaster, Ambassador Cabañas reaffirmed that the Church is welcome in his Caribbean country.

After addressing the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York City, Kiribati president Taneti Maamau, along with his wife and delegation, stopped in Salt Lake City to meet with the First Presidency of the Church. During their visit, they toured the Bishops' Central Storehouse, Brigham Young University, and the Provo Missionary Training Center. President Maamau thanked the First Presidency for the Church's humanitarian efforts in Kiribati, where nearly one in five citizens is a member of the Church.

Still ahead, donations from the hearts of Latter-day Saints are shared and truly begin to light the world. - We're all givers and we're all receivers at different parts of our lives. And something like this connects us to one another.

- [Narrator] Last month in New York City, several globally recognized charities received more than three million dollars worth in donations from members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. - We're very humbled that the Church World Service has been the organization that received the largest donations. - 10,169 sheep, which is what I chose. (laughs)

- Two, three, alright!

- [Narrator] For 54 days during the Christmas season and in 10 different locations, giving machines let people participate in the Church's Light the World Christmas campaign. Collectively, Church members and others sponsored 6.2 million dollars worth of service activities and unique items, now in distribution to international and local charities. - We simply could not have done this without our tremendous partners at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. - [Narrator] All of this in an effort to the light the world for their brothers and sisters in need.

- I organize the stuff, and I check all the bags for refugee.

- We fill a lot of gaps in services in the refugee community: cleaning kits, laundry detergents, soccer equipment. The money that's generated will really make a difference for a lot of local refugees here in Utah. - We're all givers and we're all receivers. At different parts of our lives, we're givers and receivers. And something like this connects us to one another. - Rehka desperately needed some new glasses 'cause she broke them pretty bad about a month ago. Her schoolwork was actually suffering 'cause she had to sit like right in front of the board, and so we've been waiting for this appointment for a while. - I was really excited to choose new frames. - With the number of people that still need glasses and need eye exams, we couldn't do it without the help of others. And so this donation is something that will really help us put eyeglasses on kids. - Let's look in the mirror. - [Narrator] Other Light the World campaign donations funded educational opportunities for youth. - I just feel overwhelmed because I can maybe also help my family financial problems,

and to help also my little brother to graduate also. (people clapping) - The whole Light the World campaign is really about trying to live the two great commandments: how to love God and how to give evidence of our love of God by loving other people. (high fives) (laughing) - [Narrator] This has been The World Report for April 2020. To watch the World Report online, go to

(soft music)

World Report April 2020

The April 2020 World Report produced by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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