
And because we're in the house where Joseph Smith lived when he was younger, there is very special meaning, isn't there, to be here, and be so close to the Sacred Grove. Do you know some of the things that happened to Joseph Smith when he was 14 and he went to the Sacred Grove? He went down to the Sacred Grove because he didn't know which church to join, and he needed guidance. So he prayed. That's exactly right. He knelt down and prayed. He knelt down and prayed. He had faith in God that They would help him find the true church of God. What did he find out? He found out that none of them were right, and he needed to construct his own church. But [INAUDIBLE]. Do you remember in the Sacred Grove--now, we know he prayed asking Heavenly Father for an answer to his prayer, and he received the answer, didn't he? Yeah. Do you remember that Heavenly Father called Joseph by name? What did He say? Do you remember what He said? "Joseph. This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!" Seven words. Yes. Changed the whole world. Yes. Seven words. Seven words. And to think that He knew Joseph's name. President Nelson, does that mean Heavenly Father knows all of their names too? He knew them before they were born. That's right. And He watches over them every day. How does that make you feel, boys and girls, to know Heavenly Father knows you that well? It makes me feel happy and excited, and I can always count on someone even if I don't have help to do something. Yes, you always can turn to your Heavenly Father.

Seven Words That Changed the World

Seated in the replica Smith family log home, President Russell M. Nelson and Joy D. Jones, General Primary President, recount the First Vision and the seven words that changed the world.

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