
Would any of you like to share a time when you had a prayer answered? Andrew? I've had a prayer answered when my baby sister was very sick, and she needed to rest. And then I prayed that night, and the next night, and both nights she slept through the night. And I didn't know that she slept at night. My grandma and grandpa-- That's wonderful. were trying to find a house for about six or seven years. And I kept praying every night for them to find one. And now they finally found one and they're moving this weekend. Oh, how exciting. That's so great. Thank you. I asked for a video game for Christmas. We all opened up all the presents. My mom asked me to look under the Christmas tree to see if there were any more presents. And it was a disk, and I got the video game I asked for. (LAUGHING) You did. So that was a fun surprise. That's wonderful. Anyone else? A while ago when I was little, I did something I knew I probably shouldn't have done. And I felt bad about it. And every night I prayed that all my sad feelings would go away. And after I prayed, I always felt an urge to go tell my parents, but I didn't because I was scared I would get in trouble. But one night when I did, I went downstairs, and I told them, and I prayed for forgiveness. And I knew that I had been forgiven, because afterwards I instantly felt happy. That's wonderful. Thank you for sharing that, Pearl. I would like to ask President Nelson to talk to us about why repentance is so important. She just shared that she felt the need to repent, and it made her feel so happy when she did. Why is that so important, President Nelson? Well, repentance is a blessing. Because when we are repenting, we are becoming more like Jesus.

If you break a window with throwing a ball through the window or something like that, you would repent by getting the window fixed, wouldn't you? Mhm. Well, we can repent every day as we try to become more like Jesus. And so the scriptures say, even to His prophets, "You are to preach nothing but repentance to the people." And they say, "Who, me? I'm not breaking the law. I'm doing everything OK." But repentance means that every day you try a little harder and do a little more to become like the Lord Jesus Christ. And so I'm still repenting. How do you like that? Every day I'm trying to learn more and be more like the Lord would have me be. That's not a punishment. That's a joyous opportunity. Just think every day, I get up, bounce out of the bed in the morning and say, "Oh, something wonderful is going to happen today. I'm going to be more like Jesus."

“Repentance Is a Blessing,” Said President Nelson

“Repentance is a blessing,” said President Russell M. Nelson to children gathered in the Smith family log home in Palmyra, New York. “When we are repenting, we are becoming more like Jesus.”

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