
How many of you know what President Nelson did for his occupation when he was raising his family? He was a doctor. He was a doctor. Weren't you, President Nelson? Oh, yes. Would you tell us-- I remember a story about Joseph Smith when he was very young. And he contracted typhoid fever. Would you tell the children that story about Joseph? When Joseph Smith was a year younger than you--he was only seven--he got an infection in his bone. It came, as Sister Jones said, from typhoid fever. Typhus, they called it. And in the process of that infection, it settled in the bone of his leg, his left leg. And his older brothers would hold him and try to caress him to help it feel better, but it got worse, and worse, and worse. And finally, it came to the point where one of the doctors said, "We must cut the leg off." And his mother said, "No way, no way. There must be some other way." And so that inspired mother led her to a Dr. Nathan Smith, the head of Dartmouth College. The medical department was headed by Dr. Nathan Smith, who God inspired to know what to do. So he operated upon Joseph's leg. There was no anesthetic. Can you imagine that? Age seven, an incision was made eight inches long in his leg. And with a chisel and saws, they opened that up and got out the dead bone that was in the center of that leg. And they knew it would be very painful. They wanted to give him liquor to kind of make him a little sleepy, but Joseph said, "No, I will not have any liquor. I just want my daddy to hold me." And mother wanted to stay, but he said, "No, you mother, you leave. Let daddy hold me." So they gave him something heavy to bite on. He endured that pain. And the doctor was able to do what was necessary in order for that wound to heal. So when he was your age, he walked with crutches. Did you know that? And later on, it got better. And he walked with a limp for quite a while because of that lame leg.

As a doctor, we look back on this experience as really a very unusual thing, because this was not generally known that that could happen from typhoid fever. Joseph endured great pain and suffering, but he learned to honor his mother, and honor his father, and do what was necessary to do in order for him to get well. Joseph grew up to be a big, strong man. And his brothers were strong. So that's one of the things I think about when I come to a cabin like this is they had pain and suffering as well as learning. But his mother was a very devout lady. She had the Bible. And while the husband and the brothers were kind of wondering what to do, which church to join, or which thing to believe, she knew that the Bible was going to be the core teaching material in her home. So that's how Joseph, then, when he read James chapter one verse 5 where it says, "If you lack wisdom, ask of God," that need to stick with the Bible was taught to him by his mother. So you ladies, when you get to be mothers, you have a powerful influence on your children to help them to learn how to read, and to read the word of God, and live by it. Thank you, President Nelson. Isn't that wonderful what he just shared? Think about Joseph Smith being in this house reading the scriptures with his family. Why is it important for us to read the scriptures? He set that example. And President Nelson just talked about his mother teaching him the importance of the Bible. Why is it important to you? I want to hear each one of you share one thing that you think is important about reading the scriptures. Why do we read the scriptures?

To learn more things. To learn more things. And so we can follow and do what's right. Yes. The scriptures do teach us the things to do that will help us to be happy. Nica has an answer. Nica. To learn more about the gospel, that it's true. To learn more about the gospel. Does it help us to know what Heavenly Father wants us to do to learn and grow to become more like Him? Yes. Yeah, like our Savior. Andrew. To find out for ourselves what we need to do, and what gospel means, and the gospel that we should focus on for ourselves read by reading the scriptures, and what you need to improve that you should try and do. Because you can receive that revelation we were talking about. The Spirit will guide you to know just for you, very personally, right? Oh, that's so important. Thank you.

How Joseph Smith Learned Faith from His Mother

In the Smith family log home in Palmyra, New York, President Russell M. Nelson tells Primary children about Joseph Smith’s leg operation and how Joseph learned faith from his mother.

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