Of all the problems Joseph had--people coming after him, trying to destroy his life, and they ultimately did--he always found comfort in his family, his mother. Oh, that dear mother, she believed in her son, and that dear father.
How can the gospel help you and your family relationships? We all have family members who are at varying degrees of commitment to the Lord, shall we say. Some strong, some weak, some none at all. How can we be a helpful member of the family to bring family unity and family faith? Dylan, yes, please. So I have three other siblings, and I'm the second oldest. So me personally, I can really be an example to a lot of my family, and to like show them a good example, and just be that example that they can look up to and they can base what they are going to do off of. How have you done that, Dylan? Well, I really try to just, like, read my scriptures, and to just say prayer. And if we're not saying like family prayer--I know my sister definitely does a good job about it. She's like, guys, let's say some family prayer. Or like, let's read the scriptures. And I just really like that, like being aware that we have to do those small things. That's so important. I think your word, be a good example, is profound, because if you're not a good example, why should they want to be like you. Who wants to live with a grouch? So, one of the secrets to happiness is to be attractive, to make yourself more attractive. That doesn't mean beauty, necessarily. It means that you're more useful. You're more pleasant to be around. You love education because you'll be able to do more for people with a good education. So, being a good example is behavioral, not anatomical.