undefined undefined Youth Share What It Means to Have a Living Prophet

People often say, "Your husband's so courageous. President Nelson is bringing us such amazing things. He's so courageous." And guess what my husband says? "I'm not courageous. I just know how to follow instructions." So I want to ask you. What does it mean to you that there is a prophet on the earth today? Yes. I just think like, if we didn't know we had a prophet, we wouldn't really have a purpose. Like, the prophet is who is leading us in the Church and the reason that we're here. That's great. When I look at the world, it's very confusing. And with a prophet, things are less confusing because of the revelation that he gives.

I feel like knowing that there's a prophet, and like with all these new changes, that the Lord really directs His Church through the prophet, and how through the prophet, we're able to receive revelation in order to better ourselves and to help us become better members and lead us in, like he said, a confusing world today. And it shows how the prophet and the Lord speaks to His children, and how He does it through prophets.

Thank you, that's great. Haley. And it shows that God didn't just leave us alone in this world. He gave us a prophet. It's someone that we know we can trust and that we know that God speaks to. That's great. I'm going to tell you a secret about President Nelson. He believed in prophets long before he was ever the prophet. In fact, years and decades ago, he had a famous sentence, that when any of the Brethren, especially a prophet, speaks, you never put a question mark after what he says. You put-- An exclamation point. Which means he's all on board. So that's a great thing.

Youth Share What It Means to Have a Living Prophet

President Russell M. Nelson and Sister Wendy Nelson listen as youth assembled in the visitors’ center in Palmyra share their feelings about the clarity and direction a living prophet gives.

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