
I just want to ask you one question. Can you feel our love for you?

Good, because we're here because we love you. We love the youth of the Church, and we know that the future of the Church is in the hands of your generation.

So we not only love you, but we trust you.

And we know that you will be a great blessing for your families, for your marriages, for your children yet unborn. You'll be the hope of the world. And so when you look in the mirror, look beyond what you see to what you will become. You'll become the leaders not only in the Church but in society, because you'll be righteous and worthy, worthy of all emulation. So I think in conclusion, speaking for Wendy and my Brethren of the Twelve and the First Presidency, we'd like to leave a blessing with you, that you'll find joy in life, and to continue to pursue your education and to continue to be faithful disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, and find the joy that His gospel will bring to you. Should there be illness among you or in your families, we invoke a blessing of health and healing, consistent with the will of the Lord for those individuals. We express our love for each of you. Elisha, Nauvoo, Landon, Lily, Exavier, Dylan, Haley, Jackson, and Ilena, and bear our testimony that God lives. Jesus is the Christ. This is His Church, and we're His people. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Can You Feel My Love? Prophet Asks

“Let me ask one question,” said President Russell M. Nelson to youth assembled in the visitors’ center in Palmyra. “Can you feel my love? . . . I love the youth. . . . You are the future of the Church.”

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