
My young friends, what a fantastic time to be alive. In a world where uncertainty abounds, we can find hope and confidence when we look to our Savior Jesus Christ. As we focus on President Russell M. Nelson's invitation to hear Him, we can trust that the Savior is near, that He listens, and trust that He can and will speak to us. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH]

We both thank you for those beautiful testimonies. May the Lord bless you, my young friends. As you continue to seek to hear Him each day, I promise you that you will continue to hear His voice as you strive to live His gospel and treasure in your heart the words of the prophets, both ancient and modern. We love you all.

How Youth Hear Him

Elder and Sister Soares, and youth around the world, share how they hear the voice of the Savior during the Youth Music Festival held on July 29, 2020.

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