
2020--a year full of trials, heartache,



Thankfully, 2020 is almost over. However, what if we didn't just wait for it to be over? What if we ended 2020 on a positive note? Two thousand years ago, people found hope in a star. This Christmas, let's help each other find hope in a text, or a tag, or a not-so-random act of Christlike kindness. Let's get together, even if getting together looks completely different than it used to. Let's end 2020 by doing the things Jesus Himself did. Let's feed the hungry, visit the lonely, help those in need. Let's take Him at His word when He said, "Ye are the light of the world." Go to LightTheWorld.org and find simple ways to make this the most meaningful Christmas ever. Get daily prompts right to your device, watch the majesty of His birth, study His words in the holy scriptures, talk with us about what they mean and why they matter. And let's show the world, and ourselves, that even in one of the darkest years of our lives, the light of hope still shines bright. [MUSIC PLAYING]

Hope Still Shines Bright

This year of heartache, confusion, and fear is almost over. But what if we ended 2020 on a positive note. Go to LightTheWorld.org to find simple ways to make this Christmas more meaningful.

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