
Hey everyone! My name is Klailea, and I'm so excited to welcome you to tonight's first-ever Social Sing and Serve event. This event is part of our annual initiative called Light The World. Sometimes it's easy to lose the true meaning of Christmas in all the excitement over Christmas presents and holiday parties. But Christmas is all about celebrating Jesus Christ, the true Light of the World. And by following His example to serve others one by one, we can help make this world a little brighter for everyone. This year has been really hard for a lot of people, so tonight we're taking the opportunity to have fun and do some service. If you know anyone who might be looking for a little light today, please share the link and invite them to join in the fun! And comment where you're tuning in from too. We want to know who's watching! Post a photo or a video to social media using the tag @ComeUntoChrist and the hashtag #LightTheWorld. [@ComeUntoChrist, #LightTheWorld] We have several amazing musical performances tonight, and we'll be providing lyrics at the bottom of the screen so you can sing along at home. But that's not all! We'll also be providing several service ideas, so you can do them at home or in your local community. So get pumped, get excited, and let's get ready to light the world tonight! [#LightTheWorld Social Sing and Serve] Hey there! We're GENTRI, The Gentlemen Trio. We know this year has been really tough on everyone, and many people have had to forego in-person gatherings. But the magical thing about music is that it has the power to bring people together, no matter how far apart they might be. So even though we may be coming to you from a computer screen or phone, we hope that our music can help you find a little more hope and community this Christmas season. And if you're looking for other ways to make your Christmas a little brighter, visit to sign up for daily prompts that will help you serve the people in your life.

[] [Song: "The First Noel"]

Thanks for singing along with us tonight. We wanted to leave you with a quick service challenge that you can do from home. Take out your phone and open your contacts list. Scroll down to the 11th person in the list--no, seriously, the 11th person in the list. We'll wait. All right. Now text them a sincere compliment and wish them "season's greetings." You can share your experiences on social media using the hashtag #LightTheWorld. Merry Christmas, everybody. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. [#LightTheWorld Social Sing and Serve] Merry Christmas, everybody! My name is Savanna, and this is my dad, Mat. And we're so excited that you're tuning in tonight. We hope you find joy in serving others this holiday season, and we hope you enjoy this song. This is arranged by our great friend Stephen Nelson. This is "O Holy Night." [Song: "O Holy Night"]

Hi, I'm Aaron "Wheelz" Fotheringham, and I ride WCMX. WCMX stands for wheelchair motocross, and it's basically tricks inspired from BMX and skate but done with the wheelchair.

We're out here in Park City, Utah, and with the help of Wasatch Adaptive Sports and the National Ability Center, we're going to meet some awesome kids.

Our daughter Amelia was diagnosed with cancer at eight weeks old. They found a tumor on her spine, so she had to have a surgery that permanently paralyzed her from the waist down in order to remove all of the cancer. And then we just started to heal and teach her how to use her wheelchair. Hi, it's good to meet you. My name is Aaron. Growing up, for me, I was always really inspired by BMX and skate, and I would just love action sports. And so, being able to kind of pass that on to maybe others on wheelchairs that maybe, you know, are struggling with being on a chair, having a disability, and being able to show them that, you know, a wheelchair is much more than a medical device and that it can be a lot of fun. You know, it doesn't really slow you down. If anything, these wheels just make you go faster.

Okay, that never happened. He go with one wheel! He went with one wheel? So I know you like colorful stuff, and so here is a pink wheelie chair so you can practice your tricks on it. Meeting Cameron and Murray was awesome. Come to find out, they're both skiers, and they're both brothers, and that's just awesome to me. They have spina bifida. I also have spina bifida, and the connection of us all just loving extreme sports, you know, them out there skiing and me hitting ramps and even hearing them talk about how they want to get into maybe doing double back flips and stuff. I was like, "This is awesome. These are my people." We'll make a deal. I'll try skiing if you try a back flip. And I don't like the cold, so We were pretty excited to meet Aaron. We've known who he was for a long time. We've seen him on all of the Nitro Circus stuff. In fact, we've shown Millie lots and lots of videos of him doing tricks, and she thinks it's pretty cool. So being able to come here today and actually meeting him in person hopefully inspires her to do things in the future. For me, the opportunity to be here to be able to give back to the adaptive community is, you know, it's really just an awesome experience. I always felt like I was treated so well and just really welcomed. And so, to be able to give some of that back and to help out is just awesome. Christmas is a great time to get out there and serve, and like Light the World says, get out there and serve those around you.

[#LightTheWorld Social Sing and Serve] Hi, everyone. We're Elenyi, and we're really excited to be involved in helping #LightTheWorld this December. Yeah, something that's really important to all of us is sharing light. "Elenyi" actually means "ray of light," and we believe that there's light within everybody--a light that they can share with others. We also know that this has been a hard time for everyone, and we really hope that this moment can be something to help you feel happy and hopeful.

[Song: "Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful"]

If you're looking for other ways to serve in your community this December, check out to sign up for daily service prompts. You can request to receive daily emails or sign up for text messages right now by texting LIGHT to 71234. [; Text LIGHT to 71234] Now, let's get back into the show. We have a few more amazing performers and many more service prompts coming up. [#LightTheWorld Social Sing and Serve] Hey, everyone. I'm David Archuleta, and I'll be sharing with you the Christmas song "In the Bleak Midwinter." This one isn't as well-known of a song, but what I love about it is even when it seems bleak, like this song describes, there is a hope that can still be found--especially during Christmas, when things are cold and can be dark and dreary--there is still a light that is present because there's a hope in Christ. [Song: "In the Bleak Midwinter"]

Hi, I'm Stuart. I love that the holidays are a time for us to refocus our efforts on giving back to others. This year, health care workers have been putting their lives on the line to ensure that our lives are healthy and safe. After getting approval from a local hospital, I teamed up with some students from the Utah Valley Institute of Religion and a giant teddy bear and set out to brighten the days of some health care heroes.

Surprise! ! We just wanted to come and say thank you for being a health care provider. We just wanted to thank you for all that you're doing and give you a bear. We know that it's so hard right now with everything going on with COVID. So thank you so much for all of your hard work. Were you startled? Yeah, a little bit. Yeah! Bear has a bear for you. We just want to say thank you so much for all you do and all you continue to do for everyone during this crazy time. Whenever you need a hug, you can grab it from a bear. But we are so thankful for everything that you do. So thank you. You're very kind. Thank you. Ok, one, two, three. Perfect. Ah, it looks great. I didn't expect to see a large bear, and it was shocking and amazing and sweet. To be recognized for what we do because we love it is just frosting. It's great. Thank you so much for everything that you guys are doing, like it's "Thank you. Honest. That was so nice of those girls to come up with that. Really appreciate it. Ok, bye!" "You're amazing!" "Thank you!" "Thank you! You made my day!" "You made ours!" [#LightTheWorld Social Sing and Serve] Hi, Stephen Sharp Nelson here with The Piano Guys, wishing you a Merry Christmas. I love Christmas. I love Christmas music. I bet you do too. There's something about it--just the purity of these Christmas songs just with the Spirit packaged inside of them. And I want to play for you "Away in a Manger." "But how is this gonna work?" you're thinking. I'm a cellist. This is a sing-along. Well, I've invited some very special friends of mine to sing but with American Sign Language. They're friends of mine from the deaf community, and I want you to watch their beautiful performance and just think about it, maybe sing along inside your head and think about the powerful message of the greatest of all being born in the humblest of circumstances: in a manger.

Hey, we're the Bennetts. You might know us from our YouTube channel, The Ohana Adventure. We love serving during the Christmas season. We asked our kids what they remember most from participating in Light The Worlds from years past. My favorite service memory would have to be when we visited the shelter and we gave coats and blankets to all the families in need. I loved when we visited the elderly widows in our neighborhood and brought treats for them and sang songs. My favorite part of that was we had just learned to sing "Silent Night" in Hawaiian. And we were able to sing it to them. Remember the year that we got to visit Grandma and Grandpa's house? Oh yeah, I remember when I got to clean the windows since their dog always licked it. So I made it nice and clean. [#LightTheWorld Social Sing and Serve] Hey everybody! We are Aberdeen Lane, and we're so happy to be with you. We've invited a few of our amazing friends to join us for this music video, and we think you're going to love it. Happy Christmas! Enjoy the video!

Hi everybody! Hey everybody!

I am Dave Crosby. And I'm Claire Crosby. And we are so excited to help Light The World in 2020.

of people. And last year we actually got to participate with a very very special video. Claire got to record a song with Russell M. Nelson, the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I sang "Silent Night," and he played the piano. It was a very beautiful experience that blessed our lives through the Christmas season. And this year, we're excited to bring that video back to you--that you can listen to it again to help put the Spirit in your home during Christmas. Yes, we also have a service challenge for you! We do have a service challenge. Claire, do you want to explain what our service challenge is? Write a note or draw a picture for your mom, your dad, your teacher, or someone else you look up to. Put it in the mail and send it to them. Make them feel good during Christmas. That's what we are doing this year, and we hope you'll join the Light The World campaign. If you do do this and you share it on social media, don't forget to use the hashtag #LightTheWorld and just share it with your friends. That's it from us. Merry Christmas. Enjoy the video. Merry Christmas! We hope you'll sing along. Merry Christmas! Goodbye! Bye!


Do you want to sit down at the piano bench with me?

Thank you, that was just wonderful. Thank you.

What is your favorite color? What's my favorite color? You know, I love them all. Yeah, I like all of them too. It's just like children, you know. Do I have a favorite child? Oh no. Everyone is special. Blue is special. Yellow is special. I love them all. I do too. Yeah. [#LightTheWorld Social Sing and Serve] Thank you all so much for joining us here tonight. I hope you're feeling uplifted and joyful and that you had an amazing time singing along to all those beautiful pieces. Christmas is all about making the world a happier place, and I hope you're feeling happier after watching those amazing performances. And I hope you've made someone else a little happier by serving them now or finding ways to serve them soon. I want to give a special thank you to all the performers and to everyone that showed us the incredible and inspirational ways they're doing service this year. For more ways to light the world visit or follow @ComeUntoChrist on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. And if you have any service ideas or local volunteer opportunities, be sure to drop them in the comments or post it using #LightTheWorld. Thanks again for joining in tonight! We'll see you later. Bye!

Social Sing and Serve

Performers and social media influencers share how they are serving during the 2020 Light the World campaign.