
I grew up in a big city, in Los Angeles. It gave me the opportunity to meet early on people from different walks of life. I had interactions and connections with people that helped me learn about their lives as they learned about my life. I had an experience at a bus stop where I was running late to work. And, in my frustration, I turned around and I noticed an older lady who was going about digging in the trash. Her hair was very damp. She was missing a lot of teeth, but she smiled at me. It made me forget that I was running late. Who is going to help her? Who is willing to give her something to make her have a better day? I don't know. But in that moment, it made me realize that's me. I know I've been in different phases of my life where I've needed help and I've prayed for someone to offer something in my life, mostly love or a sense of belonging. And that made me think about Jesus Christ and how He loves me and how He does give me a sense of belonging. That motivated me to offer her my apple. We started interacting, and I couldn't help but want to offer her my whole lunch. I would have offered her everything if I had even more. I'll never have everything that I wish I could have to offer someone. But that is why Jesus Christ is the great Mediator, because He can. He can offer and duplicate what I can't by infinity. When I think about Jesus Christ and how He fed the 5,000 or the 4,000, it wasn't about loaves and bread. Of course, feeding them provided a very temporary nourishment. But when you read carefully behind that, it really is about His mercy. It really is about His grace. It really is about His love. Those people, those individuals that He would help that were considered the outcasts, the people who were marginalized--which in today's world might be the refugee, the immigrant--sometimes we see people different because of their skin color, because they're from a different religion. Because of these experiences that I've had and as I realized what God has done for me, how could I not want to help someone out of the love and the mercy and the grace that God has for me?

Realizing What God Has Done, How Could I Not Help? | His Hands

When Jose offered an apple to a lady digging through trash, he wished he could offer more. “Realizing the mercy, grace, and love God has offered to me,” he says, “how could I not help someone?”

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