
Hey, I'm Brianna. And this is my sister, Ellie.

Today, we are learning how to draw digitally with our friend Heather, who's a professional artist and animator.

She’s going to help us tell the latest story in Come, Follow Me.

I love drawing, and Heather showed us how she draws her pictures.

So this is my setup. I don't have a lot of room in my studio, and it’s because I only use one tool, and that is the computer.

I learned about gradient tools and mixing colors. Wow, this is super cool. Isn’t that fun. It’s like finger paints, kind of. The best part about it is that there is an undo button. So if I mess up, no problem, I can just undo it.

Everything can be broken down into simple shapes.

Wow, that can look really real.

You’re great drawer.

Oh, thank you.

Heather is going to draw four pictures to help us with our story today.

Let’s go! Jesus grew up in a town called Nazareth.

He lived in a house and had brothers and sisters.

The scriptures say that Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.

Jesus learned a lot of things as He was growing up. He learned how to read.

He learned how to help His family. He learned how to pray.

He learned how to make friends and help others.

Every year, Jesus and His family went to Jerusalem for an important holy day.

It was called the Feast of the Passover.

One year when Jesus was 12 years old,

Jesus's parents started to go home to Nazareth after the Passover.

They traveled for a day, but then they saw that Jesus wasn't with them.

They were worried and went back to Jerusalem to find Him.

They found Jesus at the temple.

He was teaching people and answering their questions.

Everyone was amazed at His answers.

Jesus’s parents were very happy to find Him.

They asked Jesus why He stayed in Jerusalem.

Jesus told them He was doing Heavenly Father’s work.

He knew it was important to teach everyone about the gospel.

Even though I am young, I can still learn to be like Jesus. I can grow in wisdom when I learn new things and help others.

I can grow in stature when I take care of my body and eat healthy foods.

I can grow in favor with man when I help others and make friends. I can grow in favor with God by saying my prayers and obeying His commandments.

Just like Jesus had important work to do.

Heavenly Father has a plan for me too.

It takes a long time to learn how to be like Jesus, but He loves me and will give me strength.

He will help me when I make mistakes. I love Jesus and I want to be like Him.

As you pray, Heavenly Father can help you know what to do to be like Jesus.

Okay. And I think that's it. What do you guys think? I think it's amazing.

It's so good. We'll miss you. High five? Uh, yes. That was awesome. Thanks, Heather.

Jesus Was a Child

A computer screen animator shows two sisters pictures and drawings and the mixing of digital colors. Images show Jesus as a child teaching in the Jerusalem Temple in the lesson for Come, Follow Me.

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