
Hi. I’m Abby. I’m at the Bishop’s Central Storehouse, which is a huge warehouse that helps those in need around the world.

I'm visiting my friend Sarah. She's a chalk artist.

She’s making art for this lesson in Come, Follow Me.

This is going to be so cool! Are you ready, Sarah? Let’s go!

So you’ll see I have some bigger chalks here, and I have some little chalks here. What do you think I use the big chalks for? You use big chalks for big areas and the small chalks for detail. Yes, I absolutely do! You can’t use big chalks for details.

She showed me how she makes a small picture to a really big, beautiful chalk art. She first prints out the image on a grid, which is a bunch of tiny squares. This is one of the squares in my picture. And so that's how I would take that little tiny square and turn it into a much bigger square.

She makes a bigger grid on a bigger surface with the chalk line. I helped her make the lines.

This is going to be so cool, and we are going to use her art to help us tell the story today. Let’s go!

Simon Peter and Andrew were fishermen.

It was really, really, really hard to catch fish.

The brothers would go out on the lake with their boat and drop the nets over the side. then they would pull them up again, hoping they had some fish.

Sometimes they caught a lot of fish. Sometimes they didn't catch any.

One time, Simon Peter and Andrew were fishing all night without catching any fish.

Jesus saw Simon Peter and Andrew.

He told Simon Peter and Andrew to put their nets in the water again.

Simon Peter told Jesus that they worked all night and hadn't caught any fish, but that they would try again.

When Simon Peter and Andrew put their nets in the water,

the nets got so full of fish that they broke. Look at that pretty fish!

Simon Peter and Andrew filled their boat with fish. Simon Peter knew this was a miracle.

Simon Peter was worried because he made a lot of mistakes, but Jesus knew that Simon Peter and Andrew were good people.

He said He would make some fishers of men. That means that they would be His disciples.

Simon Peter and Andrew were happy to leave their fishing nets behind and follow Jesus. Jesus invites me to follow Him, too. I can tell others how much Jesus and Heavenly Father loves them.

I can be kind and help them when they feel sad.

What can you do to teach others about Jesus?

That looks so big and beautiful.

That's all that we have for today. Thanks, Sarah.

You are so talented at drawing!

The. Bye, guys.

Fishers of Men

A girl meets with Sara the chalk artist. They draw a picture of Simon Peter and Andrew on their boat trying to catch fish all night. Jesus’s miracle filled their net and they became “fishers of men.”

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