

Creating your own family tree on is super easy. If you already have a FamilySearch account, sign in. If not, you can easily create a free account. Simply click on Family Tree and then Tree to get started. Notice a record has been created for you automatically. Start adding information that you know about your mother or father. Next, what can you remember about your grandparents? It's possible that someone else has already created a record for your ancestors. Check for possible matches. If you see familiar information, click on the matching record name to double check. If you find your ancestor, click on Add Match, and FamilySearch will begin building out your tree.

FamilySearch may have additional information to help you learn more about your ancestors, such as a record hint or other contributions by other relatives. It's really as simple as adding information that you already know. And before you know it, you may be surprised at how quickly you can make connections and find ancestors you didn't know about. It's a fun and unique way to learn more about your family and your history. Start building your family tree today at or by using the FamilySearch Family Tree app.

FamilySearch Family Tree

It is easy and free to create your family tree on FamilySearch. Add what you know and see what others have added. You may be surprised at how quickly you can find ancestors you didn’t know about!

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