
Alright. Now it's time for our first activity. We're going to learn more about prayer by drawing together! For this activity, you'll need a piece of paper and something to draw with. If you can, go get some paper. And we're going to go to the craft room! Come with us! [MUSIC PLAYING] Ok everybody, here it is! Isn't it cool? Okay, are you ready to draw? Now we're going to get a little help from Hadley and her dad, Rob. Hi, Breanna! Hi, Payson! Welcome to our Friend to Friend event! We're so glad you're here! Take it away. We're so glad to be here too, and we hope you're excited and you're going to follow along with us. you got your drawing supplies? Yes. we're going to use Markers but you can use whatever you have at home. You also need some... paper and something to color with. All right. Ready to start? Yes. We're going draw a child praying, and we're going to keep it nice and simple and we're going to use shapes. Let's first draw a circle for our child's head. We're going to start up here towards the top of our paper we're going to draw a big circle. That's really big. Yeah, is that -- that's not too big, is it?

Good job. Keep going. You did it. Now we're going draw the body. And we're going to draw two lines that come down from the circle. We're going to draw one like this and one coming down over here.

There you go. And then we're going to connect the bottom of those two lines. Next we can draw the bottom of the shirt. And we can draw a little diagonal line towards the bottom of this shape.

And then let's draw their feet sticking out behind them. We'll draw a little curve that comes out and then back in. Then let's draw another curve for the other foot. Because they're kneeling. Yeah, they're kneeling.

Okay. Now let's draw their hands. And we'll draw them coming up like this, around, and then back down.

And then we can also draw the end of their sleeve. and let's also draw another curve like we did for the foot, but let's do this for their arms or hands. And then we can also draw a little line for the sleeve. Good job. All right. Now we need to draw their face. Let's draw a little nose. Right here. Draw a little curve, cute nose. Now let's draw their eyes. and we're going to draw a little curve like this, because their eyes are closed. yeah, you could also add eyelashes. Do you want to draw a girl version? Yes. I'll draw a boy version. That looks really cute. Thank you. now we can draw a little smile, because I always feel good when I say a prayer. Me too. we can also draw a cheek line. Now we'll draw their ear. We're going to draw a curve that kind of looks like a circle but then doesn't connect.

Let's also draw a small little curve on the inside of their ear. Perfect. Okay. Now we can draw their hair. And this is the fun part too, because you can change it any way you want. You can add Curley hair. Crazy hair. Crazy hair, yeah. Maybe you're just waking up in the morning and your hair is kind of crazy. Yeah. And you can also draw straight hair; you can draw Curley hair. You can draw long hair. Oh, yeah, you can draw long hair or short hair. I'm going to draw little curves like this. I'm going to draw Curley hair. Do you want to draw -- maybe straight hair on yours? Just so it looks different. There you go. And then we can draw more curves down here behind the ear and connecting to the back of their head. Oh, that's perfect. Okay. Now I'm going to draw -- my curve went outside of the circle. I'm going to draw a little spiky hair on the front. Do you want to add some extra details to your hair? Yes, I'm going to draw a ponytail. Oh, perfect. Or a bun. Oh, a bun. Yeah, that would be cool. Oh, I love it. Oh, it's really cute. You could also add -- why don't you add a little cute flower in her hair, too?

Oh, yeah. Big flower. I like it. You can add even more details to your drawing, like a background? What could they draw on their background? Maybe their bed? Oh, yeah, if you're praying in your room, in the morning or at nighttime. There could be a window, and you could draw a sun? Or a moon. Or a moon, if you're praying at night? Yeah. I love that our two drawings look a little different. Yeah, they don't look have to look exactly the same. No, they don't. We should take a minute and check on Breanna and Payson. Yeah, how are your drawings turning out? Here's mine. And here's mine. This is so fun. Wow, your drawings are turning out amazing! You did a really good job. You really did. Okay, Let's keep going on our drawings. the next step is... To color it. Yes. We're using markers to color our drawings, but you can use whatever you have at home, like crayons. you could even paint your drawings. Or colored pencils. oh, colored pencils, that would work great. You could also color your drawings any way you want. I'm going to do a dark brown for the hair, and what color are you going to use for your hair? A yellow. A yellow. for the blonde. That would be really cool.

[MUSIC PLAYING] Hadley, give me a high-five. you did such a great job on your cute little girl praying. I like yours, too. oh, Thanks. We sped that part up really fast, but remember, you can take extra time to finish coloring your drawings and also add a cool background. We hope you had a lot of fun drawing your praying child. we do. We hope you had a lot of fun and I'm sure your drawings turned out perfect. And we'll see you later. Good-bye. Well that was fun! Thanks for helping us learn to draw, Rob and Hadley! I'm going to put this by my bed to remind me to pray every single day.

Activity: Draw a Child Praying

With this video from the 2021 Friend to Friend event, learn to draw a child praying.

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