
Hi, Sister Jones! You really came!

Hi Brianna and Payson!

You are doing an amazing job as our hosts! Thank you Sister Jones.

We've been talking about following Jesus Christ and serving others.

Do you have anything you’d like to say about that?

Yes, thank you, Payson.

Boys and girls, I am so happy to be here.

First of all, I want you all to know how much your Heavenly Father loves you.

You are so very special to him.

And each of you has the power to make a difference.

Since we are talking about service, I hope you are aware of

the Helping Hands invitation introduced in the January Friend magazine.

Children, you can be helping hands all around the world.

Watch for the Friend magazine throughout this year for more ideas to help others as Jesus did.

I just want to give a few examples of girls and boys who have been serving around the world.

First, I want to mention Shiloh from the Philippines.

He reaches out to new friends to help everyone feel included.

In American Samoa, Eta and her sister, Talai, share food with others.

Sophie in Norway helped clean up the beaches near her grandma's house.

Nathan from the Republic of the Congo helps his younger siblings learn how to read.

In Uruguay, Magali helps her mom and dad with chores on the farm.

Eleanor from the United States helped her neighbors after a hurricane.

Porter and Connor in Poland helped take pictures of graves to help others with

their family history.

Victoria in the United Arab Emirates shared a video of herself and her sister singing "I Am a Child of God" to cheer up her teachers and classmates

during the pandemic.

And this is Stella from Ghana.

She is only 11 years old, but she decided to start visiting her elderly neighbor and helping her around the house.

Each of the children we've talked about are serving like the Savior did.

And I know you can too.

I invite you to notice someone who needs help.

Then say a prayer, and make a plan to serve them.

Heavenly Father will help you along the way.

Thank you again, Brianna and Payson.

Thanks, Sister Jones! Thank you, Sister Jones.

Goodbye! We’ll see you later.

Now, boys and girls, please remember how much we love you and how much

Heavenly Father loves you.

We can't wait to see you all again soon in Primary!

And you know what?

I've seen the magic of this room.

I think I'll try it out.

I'd like to go to Tahiti!

A Visit with Sister Joy D. Jones, the Primary General President

Watch a video of Sister Joy D. Jones, Primary General President, who visited the Friend to Friend set in 2021 and shared stories of children from around the world.

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