
My dear young friends, I love you!

When I see you, I think about my great-grandchildren.

Did you know that in my family, we have more than 100 great-grandchildren under the age of 12?

They are bright and very precious, just like you are.

I hope you have had a wonderful time during this special event.

It was prepared just for you.

The music, the stories, videos, and activities were all excellent.

We have learned some important things today, haven't we?

We have been reminded that each of us is a beloved child of God.

Please remember that fact.

If you never forget that one pure truth, you can face any problem with faith and courage.

I also love what was said about Jesus Christ today.

I know that the way to find true joy in life is to walk always on His covenant path.

Some of you have already been baptized and confirmed.

This means that you have made a promise that you will follow the Lord, and He will send His Spirit to guide you.

Just think of the light and love you can bring into the world as faithful followers of Jesus Christ!

Now, you might think that because you are young, you cannot do great things.

Maybe you think that Heavenly Father's work is only for adults.

But I want you to know that Heavenly Father sees things differently than we do.

His ways are very different from ours.

He has said, “By small and simple things are great things brought to pass.”

The Lord can use you-- yes, each of you-- to do His amazing and important work.

So what are some of the "small and simple things" you can do to make a big difference in the world?

You can help someone in need.

You can learn the teachings of Jesus Christ and abide by them.

You can share what you know about the Savior.

You can keep His commandments and prepare now to go to the temple

and be baptized for your ancestors.

When you do any of these things, you are helping Heavenly Father to gather His children back to Him.

My beloved young friends, I am so very proud of each one of you!

I know that Heavenly Father is watching over you.

He loves you very much and so do I.

Of this I testify, in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Video: A Message for Children from President Russell M. Nelson

In the 2021 Friend to Friend event, President Russell M. Nelson gave this message to children around the world.

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