
[Soft music] One of the first things we wanted to talk about with you as young adults in the Church--What does "love, share, and invite" mean to you in your life and in your experience? Diana. OK, for me, when we talk about love, sharing, and inviting, I think about the people I have in my circles who are not members of the Church but are my friends--helping them know that I am there for them and being an example to them. In that way they get to realize that I may have something that they don't have and so that they get to want to come and learn more about it, and so I'll invite them to Christ. I think that's what love, sharing, and inviting is about. Terrific, thank you. Yes, Samantha? On my mission we always talk about triangle. And so, at the top of the triangle you usually put, like, what's probably the most important, and everything else just falls into place. It's a really stable shape, right? And so I was thinking of putting love at the top. And naturally what would fall into place is sharing and inviting. Because as you love someone, you naturally want to do what's best for someone else, right? You want them to have what's good and what you know is good. And so as you share, as you invite, you are showing them love, because you're extending the love of God to them. Thank you, Samantha. When I think about ordinances and covenants, how did you prepare to go to the temple, or how are you preparing to go to the temple if you haven't had a chance to go yet? Corbett. So, this is actually very fresh in my mind right now because one of my friends just received his endowment last night, and I was able to attend with him because our temple is in phase two. Afterwards, I was able to kind of take him aside and just tell him, "Don't worry about memorizing or focusing too much on details, but focus on the covenants that you make and the power behind them." You know, being able to use that experience to really highlight that we are truly brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you. Have your covenants--or, How have the covenants that you've entered into the temple inspired you with greater desires to care for those in need who are around you? Yes, Jake. When we covenant with our Heavenly Father, it's typically to follow the example of Jesus Christ. And I think that how we do that is through loving and serving others. And for me it's not that I typically inherently feel love towards an individual, but it's typically when I try to do some sort of service or find some way to take care of them, that's when I'm blessed with that love, and that's when I feel also more bonded to the Savior as well, when I'm trying to follow His example. Well said, thank you. I think we were ... Cassidy next. I just wanted to share a quick experience about being on the opposite end of what we're talking about and being served and loved is-- When I was 18--I'm 21 now--I was a freshman at BYU. And I had just been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, anxiety, OCD, PTSD, all that kind of stuff. And I had tried to take my life a few times that year. And there was one night where I decided it was going to be--that was it; I was going to succeed at that. And I got such a strong impression to just kneel down and pray, which I had not done for years. I had not been active for years. I had been addicted to drugs as well. And so I finally kneeled down. And it was I didn't ask the Lord to take my pain away; I just asked for Him to bring me someone, because I was so alone in Utah, no family and friends here. And immediately I got an impression to go out to my car, which--I was like, "This makes no sense. Why would I do that?" But I decided to follow it. And right next to the car was my YSA bishop's wife. And she was parked right there. And she spotted me and started talking to me. And it was 10 p.m. at night, and I was like, "Why are you sitting right here just in this parking lot right next to my car?" And she just said, "I don't know. I just knew that I needed to be here to serve someone. I don't know why, but I've been sitting here for hours, and there's no such thing as coincidences." And that night changed my life. I took a complete 180 turn. I changed into a whole new person. She served me that whole year. She loved me unconditionally. And now I strive to live my life how she served me, so Thank you. We love you. We're grateful for you. It is interesting, as we're having this discussion, we are very sensitive to the fact that the Lord, through others, is ministering to us. All of you are here because you have testimonies of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Just interested in knowing how you came to gain your testimony. Corbett, yes. I'm a convert to the Church. I am the only member in my family. And when I did make the decision to be baptized, they were very upset with me. The only family that showed up to my baptism showed up there specifically to tell me not to do it. It was hard that after I got baptized, I didn't feel a sense of relief immediately. But I remember the next day, when I was confirmed a member of the Church, I just had a feeling that everything was going to be OK. I felt the comfort of the Spirit there. At the time I was baptized, I never thought I would be able to share this part of my life with my family; I thought that I was going to have to just hide this part of myself forever from them. But the Spirit has shown me that that's not true, that all I need to do is live my life the way Christ commands me, authentically serve Christ, and that will be my testimony to my family. We only illustrate the gospel, and the Spirit illuminates it to those we illustrate it to. Thank you, Corbett. Nate? Just being my personality, I did not care about the Church whatsoever. Finally, when I was 14, I was going to a youth conference; we went to Nauvoo, Illinois. I was, again, kind of forced to go, in this sense, and bless my mother that she ended up making me go. The last activity of the entire event was a testimony meeting. And as I sat listening to testimonies ... I finally had the seed planted in me. And finally had the first inkling of what the Holy Ghost feels like. It was this enormous peace on my chest. And I just began to cry. And immediately following the meeting I ran to the back of the room and found my mom and gave her the biggest hug. Since then, and to now, what I consider to be an unbreakable faith that I have of my Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you very much. Given that you're young adults, what are you doing to help gather Israel on the other side of the veil? Corbett? Recently I've had the opportunity to help people learn how to use FamilySearch. And as a convert it's fascinating to me. It's something that I feel like I've really taken to do just because I feel less alone when I can take family names to the temple. You know, like I'm not the only member in my family. Terrific. You have said very inspiring things as you've been guided by the Holy Ghost, and I'm honored to have been here with you. And the future of the Church is bright with such great young people.

Young Adults Share Their Experiences

Sunday School General President Mark L. Pace asks young adults connected virtually what “love, share, and invite” means to them and how they gained their testimonies and gathering Israel.

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