
This week in Bible stories, you may have learned about a man named Zacchaeus who lived in the city of Jericho, and he heard that the Savior was coming to visit his city, and he wanted to meet Him. When he got there, there was a giant crowd, and he was short so he couldn't see over the crowd. So he climbed up into a giant sycamore tree and while he was there, the Savior saw him. And He knew Zacchaeus, just like He knows all of us, and He asked Zacchaeus to come down from the tree, where he was able to visit with the Savior.

I think this is a really fun drawing that we’re going to start working on, I can't wait to get going on it. Let's go.

All right, so let's start drawing our picture of Zacchaeus inside this crowd. And we want to start by doing the crowd before we do this large tree that Zacchaeus is going to be up in. So think of your page into three different sections so you can make an imaginary line maybe with your finger right up here, and then maybe another one down here. And right down here, this is where we're going to put the crowd at. So think of this imaginary line right here, and grab your marker and we're going to start drawing some circles. And these circles are going to be the heads of the people in the crowd. So I'm just going to follow this imaginary line right here and draw one circle right in the middle. And that's the head of the first person in the crowd. And this is going to be really fun because this is going to be a quick, fun way to make a large crowd.

So to do this now, we can draw some more circles, maybe some a little bit higher or lower than the first circle that we had. And you can put them all over the place.

They don’t have to be perfect circles, or if you want to use squares or something else that you like to use for your people, you can do that.

For my crowd, I’m going to use these circles, and then once I have all these circles here, I want to draw some lines coming down the sides of them, and this will be their bodies.

And we're just going to do this simple and easy.

So you can pick a line on both sides of the people in your crowd.

You can see we get a lot of lines here.

They might not quite look like people yet.

And I'm imagining in Jericho that there was a large crowd here to see Jesus. And that’s what it talks about in the scriptures, which is why Zacchaeus had to get up into a tree so that he could see Him.

So now we're going to want to start putting some eyes on some of these characters. So we can just have them, if you want to have him looking this way, you can put both the eyes more on this side of the circle.

Or maybe we can have them looking straight ahead.

You can just use little dots for their eyes.

And we’re just going to do a bunch of these, all here to see the Savior.

And now we can add some other things to this crowd if we want to. We could put some arms on them if we want to. You could do like a really long U and then make like a place for a hand right there. You could put hands going up in the air if you want.

But I'm just going to put some little arms on these people. And I think that just makes it look fun and interesting to have some stuff like that, but you don’t have to do it on all of them.

And then maybe we could add some belts, and you could decorate their clothing and stuff however you would like.

But I’m going to put a couple lines on here, these are going to represent their belts.

So now that we have all of this crowd here, this is just going to be the bottom part of the crowd,

we’re going to make this crowd even bigger. It’s going to be really fun. But I want to start working on this giant sycamore tree that Zacchaeus climbed up to see the Savior.

And before I do that, I’m going to draw just Zacchaeus’s head. So I want to go somewhere up in the middle of the page, if you divided your page in half, and then just in the center of the page, I'm going to draw a head for Zacchaeus right there.

Now we’re going to start drawing our tree, and trees can come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, so you can do this tree however you like.

But I think to make him so that he really feels like he's up in this tree, we need to have a place for his body to be at. So I'm going to draw a line from the middle of the circle and I’m just going to go down a little ways, probably how long I think his body was, and Zacchaeus was really short, which is one of the reasons he had to get up here. So maybe it doesn't even have to be as big as some of these other bodies here. So I'm going to go right here and then maybe make a dot down to where I want to go to. And this is where Zacchaeus is going to be up in the tree. So I'm going to start from maybe where his neck is

and just go down to that dot right there.

So right now it looks kind of like a stick figure.

But now from here, we can build the rest of our tree. So we want the tree to go all the way down to the crowd, and as soon as you hit somebody’s head.

you can stop, and you can do this whatever shape you want.

And I’m going to go up from here, and maybe you want to make some branches. So right now this kind of looks like a stick figure tree.

And I’m just going to go out some different directions here,

so it looks kind of funny right now.

But now we can follow these lines.

And so I'm going to start on the top of this. I think this guy's head right here. And I'm just going to follow the same lines that I went through on the other tree. And this is going to make our tree thicker.

I can go all the way up here.

Maybe I want to go a little bit higher because now we can turn some of these other ones into branches.

And if we want to, it might even be helpful to put some of the different parts of our sycamore tree on here.

So if we know we want to have some space up here for a bunch of leaves right up here, and maybe we want some sections of leaves here and here in other places,

And to draw these, I’m going to draw them so they look kind of like clouds,

and clouds are kind of wavy. So I'm just going to imagine I'm going to kind of pretend draw an oval here so I know where I want it to be at. And you can do that just by raising your pen above the piece of paper, and that gives you a good idea of where you want it to be at. But then I can start just making this cloud.

And you can just use a lot of curvy lines, or you could just make these be giant circles or ovals if you want to,

they don’t even have to look like clouds. There’s so many ways that we can have fun drawing trees.

And then I’m going to draw, I think I want to draw another one right here.

And after we get these all drawn,

then we can connect the branches to the tree.

And this one is probably already going up, so I think I’m going to connect at the bottom of that right there, so it connects to that branch.

Maybe one more right here.

Maybe another one over here.

Zacchaeus possibly wanted to get up into a really tall tree

so he could look down and see the Savior because he was so excited about Him coming. So let’s finish drawing these branches. So we’ve got this one right up here, so we can connect to that one. Now we have these other ones too, but before we do that, let’s see if we can connect this.

Like I said, you can draw your tree however you like.

You could do a straight tree

or you could do one with all these different angles like

’m doing here. And you can maybe even put in a branch just by cutting into the tree just like that.

Now let's do some of our other branches.

So we're going to go out here and make sure we don't draw any branches here

on across Zacchaeus's body here because this is where we want to put his body. So maybe we'll do that right now.

We’ll go right here from the side of his head, and I’m just going to make a line that goes straight down here to the tree.

So now you can see that he has a body there. And then to give him an arm,

I’m going to just start right about here where his arm is,

and I’m going to go into the tree and then go up to his neck, and you can see how that makes it look like he has a little hand there holding onto the tree.

And maybe we give him a belt too.

And we could give him a headband or you could put some hair on him, if that's what you like. And we'll put some eyes and maybe a little mouth

because he was excited to see the Savior. He had heard about Him and heard that He was coming to the city and wanted to be able to see Him. All right. So I’m going to draw some other branches to connect to the tree,

and you can connect them wherever you want to.

And maybe some branches over here. Same kind of thing.

There. Now I have my finished sycamore tree for Zacchaeus, and now I want to add the rest of the crowd. So to do that,

we're going to have to draw circles behind these circles, which means we don’t finish the circle, and that makes it look like they're behind the other people. So this can be a fun way to make our crowd look even bigger than it is right now. So I’m going to draw, I’m going to start a circle right here,

and then when I get to another person, I’m going to lift up my pen, continue my circle, and then finish it just like that.

And you can do a whole bunch of these.

All these people trying to see the Savior.

And now, after we have those circles, we can add just some rainbows.

Just little lines, they don’t even have to touch the others. And maybe they’re a little bit smaller, because as things get further back in the distance, they get smaller. So we'll just do some smaller and smaller rainbows.

And it's kind of fun because you can see how that just looks like there's a large crowd here.

All right. After we have all this done, you can add a couple other details to this if you want to. I think it can be fun to add textures to trees. So I'm just going to add some lines down here to this tree to make it look like there's some bark on it.

And you can do something like that on yours,

maybe there’s a way you like to draw lines on trees. I'd love to see what kinds of creative things that you come up with.

And maybe I want to add some extra

details. You could draw some leaves in here.

All right, so that’s my finished drawing, let’s go ahead and start coloring this picture.

If at any time we're going too fast, you can go ahead and pause this video and then we'll see you at the end.

So this is my favorite part, we get to start coloring this.

I'm going to pick green for all the leaves in the trees.

You could pick whatever colors you want.

The sycamore trees I've seen,

they have green leaves and they have white bark on them and usually with a lot of grays or yellows in it.

But you can color this tree whatever color you like or whatever colors you have will be just fin, and everybody’s picture is going to look different, everybody’s going to have different colors. Maybe they'll have different colors of green.

And I think that's the fun thing about art, is that no two pictures look the same, just like no two people are the same. Just like Zacchaeus. He was very different than all the other people in the crowd. In the scriptures that said that he was short,

said that he had a lot of money and he liked to help out the poor a lot.

And all of us have different talents and abilities, and the really neat thing about this story is that it teaches us that the Savior knows all of us, He knew Zacchaeus and He knew his name,

and He asked him to come down from the tree, and the Savior went and stayed at his house.

And just like the Savior knows Zacchaeus, the Savior knows all of us, whether we're short or tall, whether we have green eyes, blue eyes, brown eyes. And He even knows us,

no matter what mistakes we’ve made in our lives, He loves us.

I'm going to put some blue in here.

Because that looks kind of like it has some shadows, but I'm not going to color all of it in.

I want my tree to look like a white sycamore tree.

Maybe put some blue down in here, anywhere where I think there might be some shadows. All right.

Now I’m going to start coloring this crowd,

and you can pick all kinds of different colors.

And that can be one of the really fun parts.

So I'm going to color some of these heads in.

You can use different colors for skin.

The fun thing about art is, people use all kinds of different colors, maybe even colors that aren't in the real world.

Like sometimes people will do green skin or blue skin, just because sometimes that makes their art look fun or in unique ways.

So you can pick whatever colors you want and have fun with them.

I’m just going to get a few different colors here, maybe get a darker brown.

I think what's really fun about this picture is it can show us how different we all are, but how much the Savior still loves us all and knows us all.

Even though we’re all so different, that we're all so unique and we're all so special no matter who we are.

All right. So we have all those different skin colors on there.

Now for the clothes, we can pick all kinds of different colors there.

Maybe we could give one person blue.

Maybe you like the color pink.

Maybe I'll do a couple of those.

And if you want to, you can add whatever kinds of

decorations you want on these people. Patterns, you can put patterns on their clothes, you can draw hair on them if you want.

I didn't do any hair on mine because I wanted to be able to draw this quickly so that you could see how to make this crowd really quick. But you're the artist, so you can do yours however you like.

Your picture does not have to look like my picture,

and no two pieces of art will ever look the same. And that’s something that is very special about art,

and very special about us and about Zacchaeus is how different they all are.

I think that's what makes us interesting and makes us important.

Could do some gray ones here.

Now, last of all, you want to pick some colors to go on Zacchaeus so we can see them up in the tree here.

I think I'm going to do this purple on him.

And we color his skin.

Maybe make him look like he's wearing an orange hat.

Put some yellow on there. All right.

There's that Zacchaeus up in the sycamore tree waiting to see the Savior. This is my finished picture. I can't wait to see some of the stuff that you guys have done.

So here's my finished picture. I'm excited to show you some pictures that some other kids have made.

We can take a look at a couple different ones and see how they're all so very different, but they're all unique and really fun to look at. So right here you can see this picture is very different.

It has all these leaves up here. It looks like it’s fall time up here, I think this is really fun and unique and you can see that you can use different colors for skin. And he's got a sun up here. Right here you have this tree.

You can see how every tree looks different. He's got the sun. It looks like there’s a pathway here where the Savior can walk across and see everybody in the crowd. And then right here

you see a fun little crowd down here. You can see Zacchaeus up here, there’s lots of hair on all the different people, you can see all this hair. I think this is really fun, I love the way this looks. And right here, you can see in this tree, there’s all this texture in here, and there's lots of different colors of green, which I think can make the tree look really fun. And I love this crowd. You can see that there's men and women in here. I love that this woman right here is holding a baby. I think that adds some extra life and personality to this picture. But you can see how they're all very different. Just like Zacchaeus, the Savior knows all of us, no matter how different. And that's what makes us all so special and so loved by the Savior.

Thanks for drawing with me again today, guys. We'll see you next time. Bye.

Come Create with Me—Zacchaeus

In this Come Create with Me episode, learn to draw Zacchaeus from the Bible story in Luke 19, who climbed up into a tree to see Jesus over the crowd and was invited to dinner with Him.

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